greywar's Articles » Page 32
June 9, 2004 by greywar
     Care for a vision of the appeasmet lobbyist's ideal future? Take a gander as sharia law takes hold in Canada.      Get your copies of the Koran out now and maybe they won't force *your* wife and family into Islmofascist servitude. Or maybe they will anyway.  
June 9, 2004 by greywar
     Here I will post something from todays Wahington Post. I doubt this will see much light of day fromt he even coverage of CNN, ABC, or The Grey Lady.      I dare the twits on this very site who screamed to the electronic heavens about our "illegal war for oil!" to either come on and tell me this article is a fabrication of the VRWC or even more stupefyingly actually offer a retraction. Wonder which of these two options will get the most takers...
June 7, 2004 by greywar
     I wrote an article some time ago about the inaction of the so-called " Silent Majority " in the face of extremism and how fed up I was with it. Well it turns out that there may be change in the offing for the Palestinian peple. There was a story in Reuters today (another miracle) about Palestinian support for covert groups waning at least as far as smuggling and infiltration tunnels go.      This is an important example of the ways in which extre...
June 7, 2004 by greywar
     Dharmagirl wrote a good series of articles recently regarding the dangers children face when using the Internet. Most people feel that their kids should be protected from online predators who are aggressively seeking these kids out. Well let me tell you something, the kids are hunting too.      I am not sure at what point American girls became this needy. I have had an AOL account that I have used very infrequently over a few years (it is ...
June 6, 2004 by greywar
     Dharmagirl recently wrote an article dealing with her experience investigating online pedophiles in the Yahoo! chat rooms. I made a comment about the AOL version of this but I thought it warranted an article all it's own.      AOL has been attempting to turn around its flagging fortunes by promoting itself as "the kid-safe internet provider". To this end it has many parent customizable features like the ability to turn of Instant Messaging,...
June 4, 2004 by greywar
     Estrogen Lass and I took a bit of a trip to the liquor store the other day. Since this was actually something of a wine warehouse, (very large and about 75% filled with wine), I though it might have a fair chance of stocking some mead (which I adore). After a fruitless search on my own Estrogen Lass asked one of the stockboys who gave us a blank stare and then told us point blank that they had none despite the obvious fact that he had no *idea* what mead was!  &...
June 1, 2004 by greywar
Here is the new poop on this already bizarre Army news item.  Money quote? " Again, WTF-ery abounds." Kudos Pseudosoldier.
May 27, 2004 by greywar
     I frequently find myself being told either by individuals in conversation or informed by the media that most violent acts or unpleasant things in life are the action of the "vocal minority" or "extremist groups" who do not represent the "silent majority". This tired old saw is trotted out for everything from the reasons why the Democratic party is being hijacked by the left, the excuse for Islamic terror groups, to why Americans are fat bastards. Frankly I am tired ...
May 26, 2004 by greywar
      I have been hearing retarded rumors online running the gamut from the CIA killing Berg to "he was already dead!" (as though that would make any difference). I was never able to find enough gumption to get into it with these crackpots but the kind folks over at Intelwire have done it for me. The article is worthwhile not just for the debunking but also to expose you to some of the more virulent conpiracist hoopla out there. Knowing your enemy is half the battle. ...
May 25, 2004 by greywar
      Parapundit has been running a series of pieces regarding the possibility that the United States was spoon-fed bad Human Intellegence (HUMINT) reports regarding WMD in Iraq by Chalabi vis Iran. I have no particualr insight into the facts behind these specific reports but Parapundit seems to lack a bit of understanding regarding the reliability of of HUMINT when they say things like this : "They need the level of talent (particularly in science and tech...
May 25, 2004 by greywar
     As a child I used to love Andy Rooney's end bit of 60 minutes. I enjoyed the critical thought process he would apply to everyday things like soap. That being said, I never paid much attention to the man's political opinions until fairly recently.      I completely disagreed with the points Mr. Rooney made in his article " Our Soldiers are Not Heroes " and had not found much else to agree with him on recently as he focused mainly on the War where h...
May 23, 2004 by greywar
I guess the media don't feel too bad about the 18 civilians killed here because the US didn't do the killing. Therein lies the rub. Our culture is held to a far higher standard because people expect us to be decent! Since no one expects it of these sorts of cultures (read Islamic extremists) then their atrocities go by the by. Will we see Newsweek giving this the coverage they gave the wedding party incident or the horrifying Israeli incident of last week? Honestly I doubt it will get a mentio...
May 22, 2004 by greywar
Jointly written with Pseudosoldier . Would you classify the following drinks as masculine, feminine, both or neither: Beer (Be it MGD, Killian's, Shiner Bock, or what have you.... = obviously masculine Black Russian = Masculine but academic Cape Cod = Feminine all the way yet tasty! Screwdriver = Feminine! Vodka, straight = Masculine, must be drunk while singing the old soviet national anthem (the new Russian one has no panache) White Russian = Very feminine Wine = Neither but defi...
May 22, 2004 by greywar
Jointly written with Pseudosoldier . Would you classify the following drinks as masculine, feminine, both or neither: Beer (Be it MGD, Killian's, Shiner Bock, or what have you.... = obviously masculine Black Russian = Masculine but academic Cape Cod = Feminine all the way yet tasty! Screwdriver = Feminine! Vodka, straight = Masculine, must be drunk while singing the old soviet national anthem (the new Russian one has no panache) White Russian = Very feminine Wine = Neither but defi...
May 22, 2004 by greywar
This is listed on AKO but since civilians do not have access to it.... here ya go. SECDEF-ALMILACT 03-04--MESSAGE TO SOLDIERS, SAILORS, AIRMEN AND MARINES The reports of detainee abuse by American Soldiers in Iraq are deeply troubling. Those who have not upheld the high standards of our Armed Forces must be held accountable. With honor, the men and women of our Armed Forces must maintain our focus to secure a stable and free Iraq and to win the global war on terrorism. We ask that ...