Normally I am not a big fan of posting simple links to other sites, but this simply sickens me and I think it deserves what ever amout of traffic I can direct to it. Link How we could even *consider* dealing with a "political" movement that is this degenerate is completely beyond the pale. {credit LGF}
Police Response Police Response Last night, before the incident with tequila , SGT Negrodamus and I were walking down to the corner store. We hadn’t gotten to the end of his driveway when we witnessed a man repeatedly slapping a woman next door. This woman was holding a child at the time. SGT N immediately called the police while I went back outside to make sure it didn’t escalate further. The ... "> The recent probe into allegations of torture and mistreatment against P.O.W.s has stirred up a massive hornets nest. As a member of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy some of my readers might expect me to attempt to spin or damage control this. I refuse. For most of our nations history there has ...
Now I know that some of your find this guys blog a bit too extreme for consistent reading. I can certainly see where he crosses the line some times. I would ask that you read this particular article however . I think that Misha's more outrageous comments are most easily understood when you realize the scale of contect he has to frame them in. Compared to most of us here in the US his breadth of experience is nothing short of staggering. As Americans we have diffic...
It was reported this morning that Demi Morre and Ashton Kutcher are very concerned that a number of pics they had taken of themselves during sex would possibly be leaked onto the internet. Apparently they had stored these pictures on a laptop in their friends house. Let me roll that back for their friends house? Look jackasses, if you want to eliminate possible public humiliation, stop taking pictures during sex! Additionally should t...
I just flew in from The World Wide Language Olympics and boy are my arms tired! *rim shot* But seriously folks the Olympics were a lot of fun. The Pokekorean and I had our collective asses handed to us by the largest ever field of Korean competitors…26 teams! The Korean contingent was by far the largest group and there were more native Korean speakers amongst those teams than you could shake a stick at. The events were as follows : ...
This is listed on AKO but since civilians do not have access to it.... here ya go. SECDEF-ALMILACT 03-04--MESSAGE TO SOLDIERS, SAILORS, AIRMEN AND MARINES The reports of detainee abuse by American Soldiers in Iraq are deeply troubling. Those who have not upheld the high standards of our Armed Forces must be held accountable. With honor, the men and women of our Armed Forces must maintain our focus to secure a stable and free Iraq and to win the global war on terrorism. We ask that ...
I am sure Iran would be only to happy to cooperate in this little gem of a plan : (edit - Shroeder didn't mention Iran this is sarcasm on my part. Hat tip to Gerry Atrick for the heads up on vagueness) "I have doubts whether NATO is the best instrument available to bring stability there," Schroeder told reporters after meeting with Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt. Schroeder, who ruled out any role for German troops in Iraq even before the U.S.-led invasion, said Iraqis would pr...
I guess the media don't feel too bad about the 18 civilians killed here because the US didn't do the killing. Therein lies the rub. Our culture is held to a far higher standard because people expect us to be decent! Since no one expects it of these sorts of cultures (read Islamic extremists) then their atrocities go by the by. Will we see Newsweek giving this the coverage they gave the wedding party incident or the horrifying Israeli incident of last week? Honestly I doubt it will get a mentio...
As a child I used to love Andy Rooney's end bit of 60 minutes. I enjoyed the critical thought process he would apply to everyday things like soap. That being said, I never paid much attention to the man's political opinions until fairly recently. I completely disagreed with the points Mr. Rooney made in his article " Our Soldiers are Not Heroes " and had not found much else to agree with him on recently as he focused mainly on the War where h...
I have been hearing retarded rumors online running the gamut from the CIA killing Berg to "he was already dead!" (as though that would make any difference). I was never able to find enough gumption to get into it with these crackpots but the kind folks over at Intelwire have done it for me. The article is worthwhile not just for the debunking but also to expose you to some of the more virulent conpiracist hoopla out there. Knowing your enemy is half the battle. ...
Parapundit has been running a series of pieces regarding the possibility that the United States was spoon-fed bad Human Intellegence (HUMINT) reports regarding WMD in Iraq by Chalabi vis Iran. I have no particualr insight into the facts behind these specific reports but Parapundit seems to lack a bit of understanding regarding the reliability of of HUMINT when they say things like this : "They need the level of talent (particularly in science and tech...
Here is the new poop on this already bizarre Army news item. Money quote? " Again, WTF-ery abounds." Kudos Pseudosoldier.
Dharmagirl wrote a good series of articles recently regarding the dangers children face when using the Internet. Most people feel that their kids should be protected from online predators who are aggressively seeking these kids out. Well let me tell you something, the kids are hunting too. I am not sure at what point American girls became this needy. I have had an AOL account that I have used very infrequently over a few years (it is ...
The Washingon Times reports that U.S. athletes have been waned against waving the U.S. flag at the olympics. The thought process here is that since the U.S. is not very popular right now we should avoid making any "jingoistic" statements or show any national pride. My question is this... Where does it stop? Should we simply rol over and play dead? Perhaps let the french have a few of our cities as an apology for attacking their lovely frien...