What next? Ousting Arafat?
Published on June 7, 2004 By greywar In Politics

     I wrote an article some time ago about the inaction of the so-called "Silent Majority" in the face of extremism and how fed up I was with it. Well it turns out that there may be change in the offing for the Palestinian peple. There was a story in Reuters today (another miracle) about Palestinian support for covert groups waning at least as far as smuggling and infiltration tunnels go.

     This is an important example of the ways in which extremism must be stopped. The only way to keep blood from being shed is from *within* the community. If outside forces (read the IDF or US Army) have to deal with the extremists for you it will not be a pretty sight. Save everyone the heartache and bloodshed and do it yourselves.

 Update : Of course there is still stuff like this to deal with. Religion of Peace?

Hat tip LGF

on Jun 08, 2004
Need.... Deadly..... Charisma.....