greywar's Articles In Misc
May 3, 2004 by greywar
Just a quick update…… I will post the next installment of Charisma tonight             Just a quick update…… I will post the next installment of Charisma tonight. Additionally I rant he 2 mile today in a passing time. There were a lot of variables though ( SGT Runsalot paced me, wind, no sit-ups before the run etc…) so I am unsure if I could do it on an actual PT test but it was nice to see the time inch down a bit. &nb...
May 9, 2004 by greywar
Probably no more posts until next Sunday when I get back from the WWLO . Wish us luck.
June 4, 2004 by greywar
     Estrogen Lass and I took a bit of a trip to the liquor store the other day. Since this was actually something of a wine warehouse, (very large and about 75% filled with wine), I though it might have a fair chance of stocking some mead (which I adore). After a fruitless search on my own Estrogen Lass asked one of the stockboys who gave us a blank stare and then told us point blank that they had none despite the obvious fact that he had no *idea* what mead was!  &...
June 12, 2004 by greywar
(Note : I will do more of the Charisma series when I get home I promise.)      Last night The Lass and I went out to Ruth's Chris Steak House in Annapolis. Like every other night we had gone out on it was cold and rainy but we soldiered on as it had to be better than the night we went to the Orioles game (shiver)....     I had made our reservations online here (very easy and free) and we drove the KIA down. The Lass was a little apprehensive about letti...
June 24, 2004 by greywar
     In the Army one of the worst feelings is when you or your unit is told to do something that you know the majority of post is just blowing off. Morning PT is a good example. Nearly everyone on Ft. Hood does PT Mon-Wed-Fri... la-dee-da-dee everybody as the saying goes. The problem goes at 0535 as I pull out of my house on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Normalyy on the other days there is a nearly unroken string of traffic creaming by my apartment complex on their way to PT. On th...
July 3, 2004 by greywar
(This will be a two parter folks, consider yourself warned)      One of the things about the military that has long troubled me is the subject of promotion. Today’s modern military force was reorganized some 25 years ago along a modified Corporate model. Along with many positive changes in personnel management, pay resolution, and reductions in economic wastes came the Up-or-Out! Promotion system .      Under this system a soldier has certai...
June 28, 2004 by greywar
     Today our platoon was heartily engaged in a vital mission of futility. Having recently received a newly minted Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) as our Battalion Commander (BC), we have embarked on a hell-bent-for-leather plot to deceive him. Allow me to elucidate .      Our new BC is by all accounts a hell of a guy and one the best Military Intelligence/Aviation officers of our time. His accomplishments have been stellar, his assignments rewarding, and hi...
July 8, 2004 by greywar
"Marcus Anulus Victimus had a dream that was MOPS, Pseudoimo.... and this is not it!!! This is not it!!!"                                                                 &nbs...
July 6, 2004 by greywar
I have been gone a long time and when I went here to see these pics ... Well I won't lie.. I cried like a little bitch. Man I miss it. A sample.. Waiting "patiently" for a Thunderfuck (its a drink I assure you) if pic is broken click here . Got my Thunderfuck! Broken? Click here. No that is not me...  
July 15, 2004 by greywar
Had a fairly shitty morning today (smoked myself every 12 hours this week....then had a surprise PT test... you know even when it is not for the record doing poorly bums me out.... even when I have an excuse) but it was all better because KLFX played Pantera's Walk on the way home. BTW Walk was RVD's theme back in his ECW days.... He should have stuck with it.   P.S. I appreciate SGT New-age Hippie's attempts to cheer me up this morning... I was just being a...
October 1, 2004 by greywar
A word of caution : When in Jotunheim, don't drink on a dare.
January 12, 2006 by greywar
     Today I have the luxury of staying home and doing a bit of homework for the team's presentation for GEN 300 (read : You are old and need help to come back to school class) and I will also be playing in a No Limit Hold'em tournament online as I work. Wish me luck (or ill if you are from the Muggaz camp).     Oh and in case you forgot : "We've been treated to some astonishingly vile images over the last two weeks: Office workers hurling themselves in...
January 2, 2006 by greywar
     Sorry about my prolonged absence fromt he 'sphere but this holiday season brought some sort of killer flu virus with it that EL and I have been fighting off along with a large chunk of the Southwest. I will post a bit more later... in the meantime have a quote that won't make into Bartlett's : "You f*cking Jew b@stard." -- Hillary Clinton to political operative Paul Fray. This was revealed in "State of a Union: Inside the Complex Marriage of Bill and Hill...
December 1, 2005 by greywar
Every time you cook this a vegan get kicked in the nuts,a hippie cries, a cardiologist puts a down payment on a Porsche, and Dennis Kucinich loses his favorite flying saucer shaped bong... Enjoy   Hateful Right-Wing Capitalist Pig Pasta   Start with one package of salt pork (you heard me.. salt pork, fat back, pork bellies or whatever they call em in your neck of the woods and not bacon... go for the gusto here) Cut the pork into 1/4-12 inch squares (it is not ...
October 23, 2005 by greywar
     As the title so craftily implies EL and I are headed to Las Vegas for a very belated honeymoon. We will endeavor to eat, drink, and be merry in as many places as possible out there and I will report back to you so that you may live vicariously through us. Ah glamour blogging....