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The Word from the Geekside
Back to the Defense Language Institute
Home of the Pampered Primadonna Linguists
Published on May 9, 2004 By
Probably no more posts until next Sunday when I get back from the
. Wish us luck.
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Sergeants As Loco Parentis
on May 11, 2004
Hey Greywar, just read the whole thing, comments and all. Good stuff, and I can't wait to see what happens next. The only problem I see is that I was there, and my fragile ego is feeling wounded that so far I've only gotten a mention as the guy with the camera. It seemed to me at the time that the whole thing was revolving around me and my life. Think you could throw that in there?
Greetings to old friends I haven't seen in a while; Estrogen Lass, Pseudosoldier, (you've always been the real thing, as far as I'm concerned) Sangus, and all the other players in the unfolding drama. I'll keep watching this space. Later!
Estrogen Lass
on May 12, 2004
Hi.......Whats going on....long time no see. Welcome to the Greywar Fan Club (not really I am just saying that to make him smile).
on May 12, 2004
Hello everyone! I was just reading my monthly installment of "News of the Weird", and came across the following story:
"Thinning the Herd: A 21-year-old junior at the University of California at Berkeley became the latest drinking-contest fatality, in a March game among friends repeatedly downing shots of tequila, vodka, and whiskey. ("[He] was a competitive guy," said his roommate.) And a 20-year-old Carleton University (Ottawa, Ontario) student plunged to his death in February during a contest to see who could spit the farthest off an 11th floor balcony. He had taken a running start. "
Thought that sounded vaguely familiar... Guess we're just lucky there aren't any 11 story apartment buildings "deep in the heart 'o Texas"
Good luck in the land of fruits and nuts, Greywar.
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