In the Army one of the worst feelings is when you or your unit is told to do something that you know the majority of post is just blowing off. Morning PT is a good example. Nearly everyone on Ft. Hood does PT Mon-Wed-Fri... la-dee-da-dee everybody as the saying goes. The problem goes at 0535 as I pull out of my house on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Normalyy on the other days there is a nearly unroken string of traffic creaming by my apartment complex on their way to PT. On these in between days though I am virtually alone on the road. An unscientific guess would be that around 20% of Ft. Hood does PT on the off days. This makes it very difficult to muster my enthusiasm that early in the morning.
Just me bitching because the traffic difference struck me this morning. We had a great workout from SSG Indeterminate so that part was good.