Published on July 6, 2004 By greywar In Misc

I have been gone a long time and when I went here to see these pics... Well I won't lie.. I cried like a little bitch. Man I miss it.

A sample..

Waiting "patiently" for a Thunderfuck (its a drink I assure you) if pic is broken click here.

Got my Thunderfuck! Broken? Click here.

No that is not me...


on Jul 07, 2004
I dont think the links work, baby.
on Jul 07, 2004
Yeah I will have to fool with them later.
on Jul 07, 2004
I miss it, too.
I miss Quinn (yet another wrong brother) and Christi.
I miss your "autopilot". (I developed my own autopilot after learning about yours. Got me home from Sungnam a few times during my time at SUSLAK.)
I miss knowing that no matter how drunk I got, someone would make sure I stayed out of trouble and I got home ok. And made sure I heard about it the next day. I have more stories that start with "Apparently, last night I..." from that place than any other place I've been.
I miss pig parties.
I miss my Companions.
on Jul 08, 2004

 I can't see anything!

Can you please post a pic of yourself and your lovely lass on my thread?

Please?  Please, please please?  Quite a lot of other people have posted......I'd just like to put a face with a name. This is me almost begging, btw.  Almost, but not quite.....

on Jul 08, 2004
Ah, Companions...what a wonderful place...nothing but good memories from there. I think alcohol killed any bad ones.

Do they still serve Froggy Potions??? mmmmmmm!
on Jul 08, 2004

Do they still serve Froggy Potions???

"serve" may be the wrong word for a Froggy. "Impose" or "Inflict" may be closer to the mark and to the best of my knowledge they still do.

on Jul 09, 2004
hey, I liked Froggy Potions. Don't know what was in them and am probably better off for that. But I remember thinking they were yummy.
on Jul 09, 2004
Hey, greywar, fix the pics! I'm looking forward to seeing you craving your Thunderfuck... and then getting it.
on Jul 10, 2004

But I remember thinking they were yummy.

Those things were revolting.

I'm looking forward to seeing you craving your Thunderfuck... and then getting it.

I won't even take the obvious road here.. but the pic was not of me in the first place:)

on Jul 10, 2004
Yummy yummy thunderfucks. I dont even know how to spell Hoffman's wifes name but she was great. She was such a nice lady. Speaking of which, you need to get a hold of Hoffman.
on Jul 11, 2004
Ho's wife's name was Chong Mi.
on Jul 11, 2004
Just so everyone knows... I'm still here, I still "serve" the same drinks, haven't changed the playlist in years, did change the bar stools (they were death traps), finally replaced the heater/air conditioner combo unit, finally got a bigger TV and PS2 for the bar (how cool is that?), still don't have a working telephone or internet access there. I miss all of you, how do you stay overseas that long? My short tour to Ft. Campbell was only 11 months before I rotated back home.

I'm sorry I don't recognize all of the nicknames, but from the comments I can guess on a few. (Greywar if you don't e-mail me soon I'll make veiled threats which I'm too lazy to follow through on.)

Chong Mi is no longer with us, as I'm sure most of you know. I'm planning to keep the bar, I have too many memories to shut it down. I was very nervous going in there the first time after her death, but as soon as I opened the door an immense feeling of peace came over me. That is where I belong. That is where many of us belong. Please come see me whenever you are back in Korea.

on Jul 11, 2004


did change the bar stools (they were death traps),

But that was half the fun! I fell off that one on the corner at least twice a week!

how do you stay overseas that long?

I have tried to go back home but they have me stuck here through clerical error and now another Stop-loss

(Greywar if you don't e-mail me soon I'll make veiled threats which I'm too lazy to follow through on.)

Emailing you now