greywar's Articles In Politics » Page 5
November 25, 2004 by greywar
             Want to guarantee further losses in the next election? Just continue to allow guys like Ted Rall to speak for you folks. Don’t bitch about your party when you let assclowns like this rule the roost. Some money quotage from his latest screed: (along with a touch of Fisk powder from yours truly… all bold and emphasis mine)     Would Bush's supporters have voted for him even if they had known he wa...
November 16, 2004 by greywar
     On the way to work this morning at around 4 am I heard a leader of the PUK (Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (Hi Sam!)) giving an interview to a BBC pool reporter on NPR. He was discussing the recent influx of Mujahideen into Mosul  and the effect it has had on the city and it's local defenders.      The effect? Namely running away in droves. The police (who were already known to be riddled with Muj supporters) either turned tail and...
November 8, 2004 by greywar
In other news... I am still a smacktard! WOOHOOO!
November 5, 2004 by greywar
Cobra Commander should have had this election by a landslide but the MSM bias was too much. Not too late for '08! View his campaign ad here .   Via Something Awful
November 5, 2004 by greywar
     A recent exchange over here led me to think about the mindset of folks who think that an ideological dispute should be settled through a shooting or a punch in the mouth.      Our nation allows its citizens the right to express themselves pretty much anyway they like. There are of course some limits like rules about advocating the violent overthrow of the government, promoting assassination of our leaders, and running a crappy radio show (unfo...
November 5, 2004 by greywar
The Philadelphia Daily news has a great article for those Patriots of the left who are currently bleating on about moving to Canada . Let me hook you up! You have to be a member to access the link and I know many of you won't sign up so feel free to use mine. with the password rant01. (Don't bother emailing that yahoo addy. I only use it for spam producing sign-ups like this.) And for those who can't even be bothered to follow the link... Here is a sample ...
November 5, 2004 by greywar
  The rest of the rally pics can be found here.  Credit : Zombietime.
November 5, 2004 by greywar
Lets ask Chaldean1! Q: How many Chaldeans are there? A: Before that fucker Saddam there was almost 4 million, now? About 50,000. These people (he was talking about Michael Moore) really say Saddam was not a threat? Are they stupid? My God America is the land of opportunity! Lets ask Kurd2! Q: How bad was Saddam? A: He imprisoned my father without trial and broke all of his limbs. (comment : it got worse after that) Lets ask Kurd1! Q: Man how did you do it? A: I lived wa...
November 4, 2004 by greywar
Nesara 9/11 CIA conspiracy        While on a recent safari through the wild country of extremist groups and sundry nutjobs (shoulda started with the Democratic Undergr…(Down boy! Down!) ) I ran across this lovely bit of asshattery . These folk actually have a following amongst the weaker minded people of the nation. Money quote:   The "National Economic Security And Reformation Act" - NESARA - provides major benefits to ...
November 3, 2004 by greywar
     Unfair of me I suppose, but I really got a hearty laugh out of these bizarre  quotes from the bitter and extreme left. LGF was kind enough to just dump them all into a single thread for your reading pleasure.      My favs? The folks who think that practioners of "High Magick" were telepathically influencing the election for Bush coming in a close second is the guy who thought we used high altitude aircraft to disrupt the voting machines. ...
October 29, 2004 by greywar
        Personally I was in Honduras on the assignment of a lifetime (from a selfish perspective), and on 9-11 my Honduran friend and co-worker said "I Hope they didn't have people in there!" andf then when the death toll became apparent, "I hope the US kills everyone person who made this happen. Fuck those people."  
October 23, 2004 by greywar
Not going to write about it. Just watch it .
May 27, 2004 by greywar
     I frequently find myself being told either by individuals in conversation or informed by the media that most violent acts or unpleasant things in life are the action of the "vocal minority" or "extremist groups" who do not represent the "silent majority". This tired old saw is trotted out for everything from the reasons why the Democratic party is being hijacked by the left, the excuse for Islamic terror groups, to why Americans are fat bastards. Frankly I am tired ...
January 12, 2007 by greywar
     Remember all the pre-2004/2006 election hype about how the Republicans would be re-instating the draft if they were re-elected? Well we just passed the 2006 elections and sure enough there is a bill being introduced to re-instate the draft ... but not by Republicans. This is Charlie Rangel's (D-NY) 3rd attempt to re-instate the draft actually:  From and the AP - "Rep. Charles Rangel, a fierce opponent of the Iraq war, on Thursday called for a ne...
January 9, 2007 by greywar
     I wonder if sheepherders in Anatolia ever had to deal with being accused of fearmongering against wolves?           Grey the Shepherd "Hey Bobby! That Wolf is getting real close to your sheep! Looks mighty hungry too!"           Bobby the P.C. Shepherd : "Shut up Grey, you're just rascist against Wolves! Most Wolves don't kill sheep, they just live peacfully in the f...