Hmmm I am very confused by this statement from Zawahiri : “Bush, do you know where I am? I am among the Muslim masses.” I find it odd since we all know (courtesy of the American Left) that the Muslim masses are misunderstood adherents of a peaceful religion and the terrorists are a tiny minority not supported by the majority … Oh wait… hmmm now I get it… I am not too worried about the full might of Arab nations though... I...
Folks, this one won’t be for the easily bored or for people who only stop by my blog to see creative use of the F-word. If you don’t care about how intelligence is collected, processed, and disseminated by the U.S. military just stop here. Might I suggest instead? Ok, now that those guys are gone we can get right to the geeky heart of the matt...
Foreword : Look, sometimes it takes me a bit to write things up as I lack *any* sort of writer discipline. I think of 5 articles a day to write and write about one article every 5 days instead. Sorry. Lileks I ain’t . Oh and this one will ramble a bit more than the previous installment so bear with me. Background (feel free to skip to the Meat ) : Having completed my initial tour as an interc...
It was my first day in Voice Operations Branch (VOB) and I was slowly adjusting to the realization that I would be spending this whole year in the company of drunks, whoremongers, and other assorted losers. My first day was spent proving that I could turn this : into something machine readable like this: CTM KDN MEF FEF GE VEM LAE KUF GE VDV FE FHV LSK KH ME KDM GAL KD VA LA ME KHM KDV FD LLUV BBEU LE KUGG BE.  ...
In response to this (misspelled) article I have shamelessly copied this from PWOT … an excerpt: DEATHS LINKED TO U.S. MILITARY... Posted 11.17.05 reports surface that White Phosphorous artillery shells used by troops have resulted in the deaths of Iraqi insurgents . The burning shells are normally used to light areas of the battlfield at night, so that the enemy can be spotted and then driven away with loud bursts of rap music...
Courtesy of Zombietime . My favorie is the guy in the hammerand sickle CCCP shirt with the Katrina sign complate with faux Cyrillic spelling. Enjoy them all !
Once again I risk the revocation of my membership in the VRWC by not following the subliminal commands sent out by the mothership but I like living dangerously. Tom "The Hammer" Delay's current woes are of his own making. Delay is one of those Congressmen who exude the "Old Boy" aroma from every pore and I am happy to see him step down from his leadership position in the House and I would be even happier to see him resign from Congress ...
I came across this over at J. Lileks outstanding ScreedBlog, There is a lot more to it so go read it . An excerpt: At some point the adamantine skulls of the rally organizers might be penetrated by the realization that the “anti-war” cause is not served by letting the death-to-Israel crowd trot alongside, or diluting the message with a million other complaints. Middle America might have legitimate gripes with the Administration’s war policy, but they’re disinclined to side with ...
A simple yet subtle demonstration of socio-economic forces : Let us begin at 0900 Fort Hood time with 4 Army Privates... Worthy, Walker, Fiffie, and Neddo. Split them into two teams of Worthy/Fiffie and Walker/Neddo and give each team the task of mowing 4 acres of grass with one push mower and one weed whacker to each team. Our NCOIC's for this detail give each team slightly different sets o...
Frankly I don't even have anything witty to say about this sort of shit : Last Updated: Wednesday, 17 August 2005, 07:11 GMT 08:11 UK Bombs explode across Bangladesh A series of simultaneous bomb blasts have taken place across Bangladesh, reports say. "There are bomb blasts all over the country. We have reports of some injuries but no fatalities yet," senior police official Abdul Kaiyum told AFP. The explosions went off in the capital Dhaka as well as several other cities...
During a recent discussion of the Demoocratic Underground's treatment of whether using animals for any purpose was morally equivalent to the enslavement of humans a poster took exception thusly : I love how you guys take a few idiots opinions over at DU, and try to portray every dem like that. That's like me posting some of the ultra-rightie fascist drivel and saying every one of you feels the same way. Pretty lame. &n...
The Grey Lady has run exactly one article on AAR recent funding gaffe. One... how does that stack up with it's previous coverage? Let's go to the headlines.... Politics, Yes, but No Fistfights For Jerry Springer on Radio TELEVISION/RADIO; And Don't Even Get Her Started on the War Left Is Gaining In San Diego, A Rightist Bastion Radio Network Ordered Back On in Chicago PUBLIC LIVES; A Radio Voice Challenging Right-Wing Talkers ...
In a stunningly moronic display of moral equivalency the Democratic Underground Lefties can't even agree that human slavery is worse than eating animals ! I wish I was making this up but here is a little quotey quote for you: Just so, humans who define themselves by religion or culture or nationality or skin color think that their suffering can never be compared, no matter how factually, with any other human or animal's suffering. To do so makes them feel...
There is an ongoing thread over here where I picked up this little gem : Froyboy - WC suppose to be a FAMILY site. You lied to us. Way back, KarmaGirl said this a family oriented site. Not anymore. Exiled me if you wish. WC has gone down. No wonder people are leaving. My kids hear me swear all the time. This is a COMMUNITY skin site. Doesn't look like it anymore. "Froyboy" is actually Frogboy the owner of this site...
"LLHM KTU BA BAK KUV...." Translation : "Even in dreams : Unification" Although this article mainly deals with Japanese PM Junichiro Koizumi backpedaling and apologizing for Japan's WWII foibles on the 60th aniversary of it's surrender the part I was most interested in was this bit : North and South Korea used the anniversary as an opportunity to reconcile political differences that have kept the peninsula divided since the end of W...