Speak up, don't just vote the party ballot.
Published on August 16, 2005 By greywar In Politics

     During a recent discussion of the Demoocratic Underground's treatment of whether using animals for any purpose was morally equivalent to the enslavement of humans a poster took exception thusly :

     I love how you guys take a few idiots opinions over at DU, and try to portray every dem like that. That's like me posting some of the ultra-rightie fascist drivel and saying every one of you feels the same way.

Pretty lame.


     Well the fact of the matter is that people with the extemist opinions you find on the DU pages and over at the Daily Kos are the folks who now own the politically active section of the Democratic Party lock, stock, and hippie powered barrel. Now don't get me wrong here, the majority of Democrats are moderates in my opinion but they are not the one organizing the rallies, marches, and lobbying your Congressmen. The Silent Majority of Dems don't support all these loon causes but still feel the need to vote for the Dem on the ballot who is actively pandering to these squeaky wheels while the undecided folks swing ever so slowly away from the Democratic party of old.


Just as  I have said before here and here. Fix it or....? Take back your party or stop bitching to the rest of us about how we have you all wrong.

Site Meter
on Aug 16, 2005
if we take away their bitching, whining and complaining all the will have left is lies, and obstruction.
on Aug 16, 2005
With Dems still "feeling" they're in the majority, their arrogance glares more brightly. Then... POP!

The Cindy Sheehan thing is another disaster for the democrats.
on Aug 16, 2005

I have written about the same thing, and gotten basically denials, and rationalizations.  They dont want to hear it because the republicans are in charge, and they must win back the power. So the rule is (just as it is on du.org) Never speak ill of a fellow democrat.

They really are blinded to that fact that the power they crave is slipping farther and farther out of reach for the very reason they do not decry the loons.