Published on September 30, 2005 By greywar In Politics

Courtesy of Zombietime. My favorie is the guy in the hammerand sickle CCCP shirt with the Katrina sign complate with faux Cyrillic spelling.


Enjoy them all!


on Sep 30, 2005
I like the old hippie guy playing the flute; reliving the 60s, man....groovy, far out!
And the guy with the "tombstone" sign "American Democracy: was a great run."

Tombstone should stop and consider the fact that, if democracy was truly dead, none of those idiots would be there. Such a waste of time.
on Sep 30, 2005

I saw the CCCP guy and wondered what planet the aliens had taken him to for the last 20 years.  Did they suck his brains out as well?

on Sep 30, 2005
Just a bunch of freedom loving Americans using the rights to protest anyone else gaining those rights. Every one of them need to really consider what would happen if they held an anti government protest in post war Iraq if we actually did listen to them and allowed the bacteria to overthrow the new government in Iraq. I'm sure Zarqawi would more than welcome signs calling him a nazi, racist or murderer.
on Sep 30, 2005
Makes you wonder what this crowd would be doing if Jerry Garcia were still alive............or for that matter if Phish were still touring....looked to me like a bunch of burn-outs leaving a rehab picnic.

Then again I hear Jerry's death, and Phish retiring were both plotted by Bush.

So it goes................
on Sep 30, 2005
looked to me like a bunch of burn-outs leaving a rehab picnic.

Then again I hear Jerry's death, and Phish retiring were both plotted by Bush.

So it goes................

on Sep 30, 2005
This is 1966-1975 all over again.. made me puke then makes we wanna puke now.,

I think of all the AMERICAN BLOOD spilled on foreign shores so these FREAKS, MORONS AND LOSERS can whine and bitch in freedom that so many bled and died for. \

on Oct 02, 2005
I find it amusing to see such widespread extreme liberalism. This is truly a benefit to the conservative side. I think that a ton of moderates see this kind of stuff, and it pushes them further to the right, out of disgust to the extreme leftist view. There are some extreme rightists out there too, but in nowhere near the numbers (at least not that I've seen anywhere)... We'll see what kind of effect this has in the 2006 and 2008 elections....
on Oct 03, 2005
I find it amusing to see such widespread extreme liberalism. This is truly a benefit to the conservative side. I think that a ton of moderates see this kind of stuff, and it pushes them further to the right, out of disgust to the extreme leftist view.

Democrats don't understand that.
on Nov 02, 2005
Now there's a collection from a pathetic gene This was amusing, none-the-less..... (`O`)
Makes you forget for a moment that there’s an elitist counterpart to this group of warped ideas....
on Nov 02, 2005
The headline over these pics should read:

Deadhead Phish for Widespread Panic. ;~D