Charlie Wrangel loves to talk about re-instating the draft Charlie Wrangel loves to talk about re-instating the draft. This he claims would even out the burden of service across the entire population. You see Charlie is upset that 25% of the casualties in Iraq have been black and hispanic. He tells us that this is not right, that the burden of the “death tax” should be shared in equally by all segments of the United Stats population. Charlie I got news for ...
This cartoon was published in the Rutger University Entertainment newspaper. They have defended it saying that it was supposed to be funny. What if this cartoon was “knock a nigger into chains for buck!” Or “Rape a chink woman from Nanking for a buck!” Would the left winger intelligentsia laugh that off? I think not. Rutgers has been a hotbed for barely closeted anti-semitism for a long time. At least now it is coming out into the light where people can actually see them for the patheti...
*Disclaimer* This is my personal opinion only and in no way reflects the official position of the US Army. The Army should stop recognizing soldiers marriages. Now that I have your attention let me tell you why. For a large chunk of my time in the US Army I have been legally married. Due to this lifestyle choice the Army has treated me far differently than they treated unmarried soldiers. My rent and utilities are paid. I live off-po...
This will be my now standard once a week non post. Sometimes I just can't hold back. Since the governor of Zamfara State, Alhaji Ahmed Sani, introduced a draconian version of sharia in 1999, 11 of Nigeria’s 36 states have followed suit. Five women have been sentenced to death by stoning for adultery, though no punishment has yet been carried out. Thieves have had their hands amputated by court order. One man had his eye removed after accidentally blinding a friend (he could have escaped...
Yesterday while leading the House of Representatives in the Pledge of Allegiance Rep. Jim McDermott (Democrat – Washington State) gave the C-SPAN cameras a bit of showmanship. When McDermott got to the words “under God” in the pledge he very visibly shut has mouth and clamped his lips together, as though highlighting that he would not say that particular bit of the pledge. McDermott was in close-up for the whole ple...
Glenn Beck Was Wrong Glenn Beck Was Wrong (Disclaimer : These are my personal views only and in no way represent the US Army’s official position.) I spend a little bit of time each day listening to one or more talk radio hosts on my computer or in my car. One of my favorite hosts is Glenn Beck. I find his lack of pretension refreshing most days and also find his less-than-perfect background to be a realistic backdrop for many social debates. All that bein...
The Communist Party of the United States of America has endorsed Kerry and promised : ” The CPUSA supports the John Kerry campaign with donations and volunteer effort. We believe that defeating George Bush is the single most important issue this November ..." Here are the CPUSA's list of top ten reasons President Bush must be defeated: 1. Bush is destroying workers rights and outsourcing jobs instead of protecting the right to organize and creating new jobs rebuilding sc...
While Ted Rall certainly has the *right* to say anything he likes, I submit to you that this doesn't shield him from justified criticism. His cartoon of July 5th (in which he portrays Condi Rice as a "house nigga" and uses several other reprehensible race-baiting images) should be met with universal condemnation. Michelle Malkin Has a very thorough flensing of Rall and his "work" here . Ted Ralls email : Let this assclown know what...
Over at Brain Terminal Mr. Maloney has posted another great video article on the Clinton Legacy as seen by Clinton fans getting their books signed! Frankly it is an instant classic like all of his other videographies . I urge you to take some time and visit. The Protesting the Protesters video series also gets high praise. covers a lot fo stories relating to Israeli and the Middel East "Peace" process... When I cameacross this I was shocked. I always considered Ralph Nader to be a well meaning centrist-to-leftist. I think he is a genuinely decent man. I was therefore shocked to see this quoted from his lips..... Nader said the following: "What has been happening over the years is a predictable routine of foreign visitation from the head of the Israeli governmen...
I had intended to write a bit of a manifesto to a few folks (terrorists) in view of our upcoming workload but due to OPSEC constraints I will simply reprint this in accordance with the author's wishes as it has the same intent even if the delivery method will be different for our unit. My sentiment to the enemy? My unit will find you, we will will fix you, and then... oh then son... this guys unit?.. they will fuck you. This letter is for Abu Musab a...
Care for a vision of the appeasmet lobbyist's ideal future? Take a gander as sharia law takes hold in Canada. Get your copies of the Koran out now and maybe they won't force *your* wife and family into Islmofascist servitude. Or maybe they will anyway.
Here I will post something from todays Wahington Post. I doubt this will see much light of day fromt he even coverage of CNN, ABC, or The Grey Lady. I dare the twits on this very site who screamed to the electronic heavens about our "illegal war for oil!" to either come on and tell me this article is a fabrication of the VRWC or even more stupefyingly actually offer a retraction. Wonder which of these two options will get the most takers...
I wrote an article some time ago about the inaction of the so-called " Silent Majority " in the face of extremism and how fed up I was with it. Well it turns out that there may be change in the offing for the Palestinian peple. There was a story in Reuters today (another miracle) about Palestinian support for covert groups waning at least as far as smuggling and infiltration tunnels go. This is an important example of the ways in which extre...
In other news... I am still a smacktard! WOOHOOO!