Seems our Zionist Overlords missed this one
Published on April 23, 2004 By greywar In Politics

This cartoon was published in the Rutger University Entertainment newspaper. They have defended it saying that it was supposed to be funny. What if this cartoon was “knock a nigger into chains for buck!” Or “Rape a chink woman from Nanking for a buck!” Would the left winger intelligentsia laugh that off? I think not. Rutgers has been a hotbed for barely closeted anti-semitism for a long time. At least now it is coming out into the light where people can actually see them for the pathetic pseudo aesthetes they really are.

Credit LGF

Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 23, 2004
"It's intellectual freedom." "It's a hate crime." "Freedom of the Press."
There's the argument. Do I have a right in the US to not have my feelings hurt? That's one side. Do I have a right to be protected from literature that suggests my demise? There's the other side. Another question: Is Christianity offered the same protections as other religions in the US? There's the claim that the only group its safe to make fun of is the white christian male. Are all other groups off limits? Lots of questions this sparks.

I'd say this is definetly beyond "making fun" and am sensitive to that. However I understand the freedom the press, though sometimes extremely distasteful, needs to have. If it advocates killing someone, then it can clearly be charged with inciting violence. See? How do we get past emotional reaction to deal with this logically?

I read the thread below the cartoon on the site. It seems a Jew published it. But he also said in a radio interview (purportedly), "we should 'get over' the Holocaust." A good article:

As a Christian, I'm called to pray for the Jews and bless them. I'm personally outraged by this. If I were some sort of queen bee, I'd fine them severely ... give them lots of community service in Jewish communities with those people whose family members survived the holocaust. maybe more. Governmentally? I think its a tough decision. I wouldn't send my children there though. I think I might pull public funds from the university if it advocates genocide. No need for the public to support that.
on Apr 23, 2004
Shula - I would never argue that these folks don't have the right to publish any damn thing they want in their paper. What I do argue is that they should be rightly exposed as complete hypocrites. These are the same folks who would skewer anyone else for using anything remotely rascist. While I agree that rascists should be skewered, I simply would roll them in with the lot.
on Apr 23, 2004
I guess the message to me is that if i stop using the F-word so often in my longer hand-crafted articles they may actually end up on the front page?
on Apr 23, 2004

Hey I thought you said no more "links" articles--just kidding

The cartoon is disgusting--there is no other word that I can think of to describe it.

Do they have a right to print it? Yup. Should they have conjured up a little human dignity and a little respect and opted to NOT print it? Yup.

Voltaire: "I may not agree with what you say, but to your death I will defend your right to say it." (or something like that)

Would the left winger intelligentsia laugh that off

Just a few points on this comment
1. I don't think the left wing is laughing this off--I'm certainly not laughing
2. Jews tend to vote Democrat and be liberal--that would make them part of the left wing--I'd wager a bet they aren't laughing
3. Defending someone's right to say something is not the same as agreeing with what they said.

on Apr 23, 2004
The left wingers i was refering to are the ones at Rutgers and the University aggregate:) Not you shades... And yes I feel so *dirty* for getting a "link" article on page one.
on Apr 23, 2004
"Defending someone's right to say something is not the same as agreeing with what they said."

Good look on the up side of this incident, as someone else said, it brings their true colors more out into the open, and people who don't agree with that sentiment, such as myself, can be sure no immediate family members ever attend there, and that the university never receives our support in any way, shape or form.

I am truly disgusted by the cartoon....but I am sure it thrills the Holocaust deniers, the KKK, and others of their ilk.

on Apr 23, 2004
Yeah, very funny...hardy fucking har har.

Sorry, but I find that totally offensive and to be honest, nauseating.

on Apr 23, 2004

That's the word I was looking for--dharma you are a far better wordsmith than I!
on Apr 23, 2004
Well, its in appallingly bad taste. The artist deserves all the vitriolic criticism he'll no doubt get which I also defend the right of people to express.
on Apr 23, 2004
The artist deserves all the vitriolic criticism he'll no doubt get which I also defend the right of people to express

I'll not only defend it--I'll encourage it!
on Apr 23, 2004
I am a bit surprised that some of our jew-hating trolls have not shwon up to express their support of this.
on Apr 24, 2004
This is just mean. And poorly made to boot. Can't think why anybody would find this even remotely funny.
on Apr 24, 2004
having now perused that issue of 'the medium' in its entirety (i hadda download it as a pdf document because the website was temporarily unavailable), my take is as follows: the authors are far guiltier of having an appalling lack of taste than advocating racial hatred or any focused agenda. theyre shooting for sophmoric but barely hitting puerile (sorta like don rickles). theyre rude and crude but generally harmless especially by comparison to the dartmouth review or the cornell review (founded by right-wing pundit ann coulter) in which a course on racism in American society was characterized as "da white man be evil an he tryin' to keep da brotherman down. we's got sharpton and farrakhan so who now, white boy".
on Apr 24, 2004
I don't think this would be as disgusting if not for the fact that the same people who allow this to happen would demand action be taken if it were done for any other group of people. I don't mind tasteless racism, so much as I mind the hypocrisy of it.
on Apr 24, 2004
I don't mind tasteless racism, so much as I mind the hypocrisy of it

um..yea, I mind racism, full stop. and just for a point of reference...what exactly would be "tasteful" racism?
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