Seems our Zionist Overlords missed this one
Published on April 23, 2004 By greywar In Politics

This cartoon was published in the Rutger University Entertainment newspaper. They have defended it saying that it was supposed to be funny. What if this cartoon was “knock a nigger into chains for buck!” Or “Rape a chink woman from Nanking for a buck!” Would the left winger intelligentsia laugh that off? I think not. Rutgers has been a hotbed for barely closeted anti-semitism for a long time. At least now it is coming out into the light where people can actually see them for the pathetic pseudo aesthetes they really are.

Credit LGF

Comments (Page 4)
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on Apr 25, 2004
No, I asked what you would have us call YOU.

Call me Ying, thank you.

on Apr 26, 2004
humans can be better people when they are free. Unfortunately, this is only applicable in practice to those who don't have to deal in the currency of morality as part of their social existence

I think I will just stick with "pretentious".
on Apr 26, 2004
This cartoon was published in the Rutger University Entertainment newspaper. They have defended it saying that it was supposed to be funny. What if this cartoon was “knock a nigger into chains for buck!” Or “Rape a chink woman from Nanking for a buck!”

This whole discussion brings this opening post nicely into perspective.

First off, let me assure you that I am chronically alergic to all forms of racism and discrimination. However I do think the way some of you are reacting to the ideas of Saint Ying does indeed suggest that offending Jews is in some way worse than offending blacks or asians.
I found the cartoon very unfunny and not exactly thought-provoking. Quite poor really.

However in nothing I read from Saint Ying did I get the impression that he is a fascist/racist. I did see him deny that the prosecution of the jews in WWII was any different, in principle, than the prosecution of other peoples in other times. With this I agree.

A few years ago, president George W Bush said, "Either you're with us or against us" when he was speaking about the war on terror. It's was not that simple then and it is not in this case. Polarizing these issues in cases of "us" vs "them" is dangerous and an absolute killer for any sort of reasonable debate. Fifty years ago, saying you were in favor of more rights for the working man automatically made you a dirty commie bastard in many eyes. Every era has its' sensitivities and the holocaust is the biggest one of ours. It's not a myth, it's a horror we need to remember as long as we can to teach and learn. One of the things to learn is that not everyone who goes against the official partyline is automatically The Enemy.
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