And he can't add.
Published on April 21, 2004 By greywar In Politics
Charlie Wrangel loves to talk about re-instating the draft

            Charlie Wrangel loves to talk about re-instating the draft. This he claims would even out the burden of service across the entire population. You see Charlie is upset that 25% of the casualties in Iraq have been black and hispanic. He tells us that this is not right, that the burden of the “death tax” should be shared in equally by all segments of the United Stats population.

            Charlie I got news for ya, the percentage of blacks and hispanics as a portion of the US population comes to just over 26%. Do the math son and get back to me in about a million years when that last surviving synapse in the twisted bit of pipe-cleaner you laughingly refer to as a brain stem reports in with the fact that the casualty numbers are exactly in line.

            To channel R. Lee Ermey for a moment, “Choke yourself! You race-bating good for nothing sack of shit!”. Ok, so the last bit of that was just me channeling me. Sue me.



on Apr 21, 2004
on Apr 21, 2004
Your pictorial eloquence knows no bounds Anthony.
on Apr 22, 2004
You can add Jermaine Jackson to the heap as well.
on Apr 22, 2004
Since you said you would prefer that I stay in touch with you this way, I just thought I would tell you I emailed you
on Apr 22, 2004
Anxiously awaiting the next installment... What... do you think you get to take a break? You have an adoring public to please, pal.