Many people took me to task over rasing the issue of the UK's steady march towards Dhimmitude in these articles . Today Mr. Sarfraz Manzoor's piece in the Guardian argues that the real problem is that the UK simply isn't Muslim enough . Regarding the London bombings by Muslim men : "the dominant response to the London bombings was confusion over how anyone raised in this country could commit such atrocities... Whether the danger...
Some commentors have taken me to task over two of my recent articles highlighting the possibility that the UK and Europe are slowly drowning under a slow but rising tide of Politically Correct Dhimmitude. Some of them seem almost desperate to believe that I and others are exaggerating, even to the point of mounting a "defense" that goes something like this (paraphrased): "It isn't bad that Christmas references are off limits in many cities in the UK be...
Next time you see Rosemary being touted as " an unlikely peace activist " take it with a grain of salt. The lady is a dyed in the wool leftist who despises America. From her own article on her own site : "The United States owes reparations to the people of Iran. How much should be paid for the 1953 coup? How much is a democracy worth? Here's a thought. Suppose the U.S. gave all of its nuclear weapons to Iran. Would that be a win, win, win scenario? The...
Bill Roggio (embedded blogger in Fallujah) has a great update on the state of the Iraqi military up on his site. Of particular interest to me was his break down of Iraqi Army failures and successes. I find the contrast between their military and ours fascinating (my comments below). Some excerpts: (Emphasis mine. – GW) " Iraqi Army Shortcomings Logistics. The IA logistical system is broken at the battalion, brigade, division and Ministry of ...
I have a very geeky intelligence article for later but for now I want to update the article I wrote about the creeping effects of Islamism across Europe and Britain. Many commentors to the original article simply couldn't beleive the the problem is as serious or as pervasive as the linked content would seem to have suggested. For those folks I give you this tidbit from the mornings news perusal. "Halal meat is being served to pupils in sta...
Mark Steyn has posited that Europe is rapidly approaching (and perhaps has even passed) a demographic point of no return. Dharma’s recent article regarding the extermination of Christian references during the Christmas season in Britain seems to re-enforce the point. I ask you here at JU and beyond the walls of this blog to answer these questions: Can Europe reverse the trend or is it already too late? Wi...
Greywar – Agent of the Vast Doughnut Conspiracy Part 2 Part one found here . The next morning after we recruits were subjected to a very long battery of medical testing we were finally allowed to see a career counselor who offered us a list of MOSs (Military Occupational Specialties) that were “the only ones available right now”. As I recall I was offered the opportunity to become an 88M (Truck driver), 92F (Fueler), and 54B (Nuclear, Biolo...
Greywar – Agent of the Vast Doughnut Conspiracy *Thanks to chiprj for helping to fix this article! Note : Sorry for the prolonged absence. My perverse nature actually made it more difficult to start writing again the more people clamored for it. I know, its weird. Nonetheless I am back and with a multi-parter no less! (Settle in folks this is a long one...) - G I was a loony left liberal. Thats right folks, I was a dyed-in-the-wool ...
Look... I love Bill. I thought Bill was a breath of fresh air on the scene years ago. Problem is that the rest of the industry has been catching upt o Bill's schtick and now even the loathed (by the far-right at least) Steven Colbert is doing Bill better than Bill himself. I still turn to Bill for coverage of important issues that aren't media darlings (child abuse, ACLU hypocracy, crooked judges) but for sheer enjoyment and "everyman" perspective on current events I wil...
There are three in my current office who could serve in an intelligence capacity: Skyler, Kenny, Robert. Each has the aptitude necessary for intelligence work.. should I push them? God, I hate being away from the national need.
Hmmm I am very confused by this statement from Zawahiri : “Bush, do you know where I am? I am among the Muslim masses.” I find it odd since we all know (courtesy of the American Left) that the Muslim masses are misunderstood adherents of a peaceful religion and the terrorists are a tiny minority not supported by the majority … Oh wait… hmmm now I get it… I am not too worried about the full might of Arab nations though... I...
Folks, this one won’t be for the easily bored or for people who only stop by my blog to see creative use of the F-word. If you don’t care about how intelligence is collected, processed, and disseminated by the U.S. military just stop here. Might I suggest instead? Ok, now that those guys are gone we can get right to the geeky heart of the matt...
Foreword : Look, sometimes it takes me a bit to write things up as I lack *any* sort of writer discipline. I think of 5 articles a day to write and write about one article every 5 days instead. Sorry. Lileks I ain’t . Oh and this one will ramble a bit more than the previous installment so bear with me. Background (feel free to skip to the Meat ) : Having completed my initial tour as an interc...
It was my first day in Voice Operations Branch (VOB) and I was slowly adjusting to the realization that I would be spending this whole year in the company of drunks, whoremongers, and other assorted losers. My first day was spent proving that I could turn this : into something machine readable like this: CTM KDN MEF FEF GE VEM LAE KUF GE VDV FE FHV LSK KH ME KDM GAL KD VA LA ME KHM KDV FD LLUV BBEU LE KUGG BE.  ...
In response to this (misspelled) article I have shamelessly copied this from PWOT … an excerpt: DEATHS LINKED TO U.S. MILITARY... Posted 11.17.05 reports surface that White Phosphorous artillery shells used by troops have resulted in the deaths of Iraqi insurgents . The burning shells are normally used to light areas of the battlfield at night, so that the enemy can be spotted and then driven away with loud bursts of rap music...