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The Word from the Geekside
42:09 is all it takes to document betrayal.
Published on October 23, 2004 By
Not going to write about it.
Just watch it
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Don Bemont
on Oct 23, 2004
Yes, I have watched... And all I can assume is that the people behind this feel justified by Farenheit 911 -- that heck, if Moore can do that, we ought to be able to do ANYTHING.
A quote from the film, clearly meant to show Kerry's war guilt: "Nearly every book or motion picture produced about Vietnam since 1971 echoes the litany of atrocities John Kerry laid at the feet of those who served there."
Did you read that carefully? The film actually admits that Kerry's statements about the war have been suported by just about every motion picture (well, who cares, that's just entertainment) and book (there are certainly garbage books written, but, yes, just about every scholarly or objective book). In other words, Kerry's statements have been well corroborated... The movie makers just assume that the viewer is supposed to jump to the absurd conclusion that it is all Kerry's fault that these things happened in Vietnam, that because he brought home this message, the facts become his responsibility?
The film takes the absurd view that 1) because Kerry told Congress about war crimes, he is guilty of war crimes, and 2) that no war crimes were committed. #1 assumes a total lack of logic, and #2 contradicts almost every source of information about the Vietnam War, and common sense about the nature of war.
All of this is papered over with the testimony of POW's. These people were unquestionably mistreated by their Communist captors, horrifically so. But the film assumes that our justified emotional reaction to such atrocity will somehow make us blame anyone whose picture is put on the screen simultaneously -- in this case John Kerry.
The facts are these:
* The Communists in Vietnam did horrible things after years of French colonial oppression.
* The United States thought it was doing the right thing in fighting the Communists.
* Many Americans died and suffered horribly, and many innocent Vietnamese also died and suffered horribly, in our failed attempts to stop the Communists.
* Some of our young men -- including George Bush -- avoided combat, either because they disagreed with he war or because they placed other priorities ahead of fighting for their country.
* Other young men -- including John Kerry -- fought for their country. Some of those -- including Kerry -- came home and testified to the authorities that they has seen things which they disagreed with.
* Those who sacrified the most (the families of the dead, the POW's, etc) were anguished at the evidence that all their sacrifice had brought so little in return, and, humans being imperfect, they have often blamed those who carried the message that so little was gained.
Personally, I am outraged that the Bush crowd gets away with waving the flag and claiming the patriotic mantle, while they repeatedly malign the patriotism of individuals who actually risked their lives for their country. Greywar, you should be ashamed of yourself for being a party to this kind of thing. I cannot say for sure who will do better for our country over the next four years, Kerry or Bush. But I know gross immorality when I see it, and this campaign tactic is immoral.
In a separate thread, Draginol was saying how one reason he could never vote for Kerry was the superior attitude of Kerry supporters. I would say the reverse. The sort of tactic used in this film may not really prove that Bush himself would make the worse president, but I would never be able to bring myself to vote for the side that uses this stuff -- and actually believes in it.
Don Bemont
on Oct 23, 2004
"The sort of tactic used in this film may not really prove that Bush himself would make the worse president, but I would never be able to bring myself to vote for the side that uses this stuff -- and actually believes in it." So, are you voting for Kerry then, Don?
Yes... and all fake innocence aside, did you notice the title?
on Oct 27, 2004
is this real? I believe it....but really....is this real? Why did Kerry get so far in our government (I mean, really, just one election away from being President....)?????
Has Kerry said anything concerning this?
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