Published on November 3, 2004 By greywar In Politics

     Unfair of me I suppose, but I really got a hearty laugh out of these bizarre quotes from the bitter and extreme left. LGF was kind enough to just dump them all into a single thread for your reading pleasure.

     My favs? The folks who think that practioners of "High Magick" were telepathically influencing the election for Bush coming in a close second is the guy who thought we used high altitude aircraft to disrupt the voting machines.

Other gems :

"It's hard to feel bad about Sep. 11 when you people put this monster back into office. There better be some riots tonight or something."


"Hey, all you 18-24 year old kids that registered, but did not bother to show up yesterday. . .
F*, and enjoy the draft!"


"Gods-damn it! The f*cking Republicans have got Magical help pumping out a clear, unified, focused broadcast, and you can be sure, every sensitive is picking it up."


     According to the Dems 58,000,000 people are ignorant retards who want a draft. Ah if they only knew how self-reflective that statement truly is. Read em all.

Oh and here is Chris Matthews with his "enlightened take" :

"Katie the south part of the country is different. People that don't live there don't understand. They believe there is WoMD in Iraq. They are simple people. They are not analytical.......

Comments (Page 1)
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on Nov 03, 2004

Found this and had to add it.

"I am so filled with intense hatred for humanity. I hope that we ARE attacked by terrorists again, I hope that the draft is reinstated, I hope that Iraq implodes on itself, so that I can laugh...."

If you wonder why you lost, look no further. Left = patriotic dissent? I don't think so.

on Nov 03, 2004
Left = patriotic dissent? I don't think so.

I don't know about that. I lean left, and I would never, ever say any of those things. I love this country, and I hope that good things will come out of Bush's re-election. I'll be glad to be wrong about him.
on Nov 03, 2004

I lean left, and I would never, ever say any of those things.

I agree Wahine, but the fact of the matter is that the Dems allowed the above version of the left to take over their entire party. Just like my article on the Silent Majority there does come a time when the piper has to be paid. If you allow your group to be indetified exclusively by nutjobs like these no one will be willing to step up to the plate for you the moderate voices. Socio-political groups either control their own extremists or they pay the penalty. Part of the social contract.

on Nov 03, 2004
You know the thing is, I am very late to this party. I was raised very conservative, very Republican and am just now, at almost 26, figuring out where I actually stand. I really don't identify with the Democrats. I don't consider myself to be one. I don't think they represent me. However, my political beliefs are much more aligned to the Demos than the Republicans. What to do?
on Nov 03, 2004

However, my political beliefs are much more aligned to the Demos than the Republicans. What to do?

Well Wahine voicing your politics on a blog is one way to make sure your voice is contributed to the mix. I am a left-leaning moderate most days or a South Park conservative perhaps. Don't let assclowns like the Daily Kos and the Democratic Underground have the sole say in your party's future. Maybe you and Xtine can campaign for a 3rd party?

on Nov 03, 2004
Maybe you and Xtine can campaign for a 3rd party?

The Mommy party? I'd be in good company with xtine. I have a great deal of respect and admiration for her.

I am a left-leaning moderate most days or a South Park conservative perhaps.

What's a left-leaning moderate? What type of platform reflects your views?

Don't let assclowns like the Daily Kos and the Democratic Underground have the sole say in your party's future.

he he he . . . until JU I'd never even heard of them.
on Nov 03, 2004

Reply #2 By: Texas Wahine - 11/3/2004 7:59:40 PM
Left = patriotic dissent? I don't think so.

I don't know about that. I lean left, and I would never, ever say any of those things. I love this country, and I hope that good things will come out of Bush's re-election. I'll be glad to be wrong about him.

Yeah but you just *leaning*. You haven't fell over yet!
on Nov 03, 2004
we used high altitude aircraft to disrupt the voting machines.

that was me. right after I got off my shift, shooting masers at tracy givens.

"Katie the south part of the country is different. People that don't live there don't understand. They believe there is WoMD in Iraq. They are simple people. They are not analytical.......

To the one who first spake this quotation, I add a quotation of my own,

"Thou art a rascal, an eater of broken meats, a base, proud, shallow, beggardly, three-suited, hundred-pound, filthy-worsted-stocking knave....and art nothing but the composition of a knave, beggar, coward, pander, and the son and heir of a whom I will beat into clamorous whining if thou deniest the least syllable of thy addition.
Shakespeare, King Lear, Act II

Remember when we said, "the South shall rise again"? Ya'll laughed at the silly rednecks. Well Katie, laugh for four more years! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAA
on Nov 03, 2004

What type of platform reflects your views?

I am personally pro-life but politically pro-choice (not in all cases).

I am for small government and a flat tax rate for all income brackets.

I am pro-charity (private).

I am not religious (mainly a secularist if the truth be told).

I am pro premption and pro unilateral action.

I feel the UN has been corrupted beyond repair.

I oppose the death penalty but only because I don't hink it is harsh enough. I would rather go with forced labor for life.

I favor sensible government job-loss protection and WIC style programs.

This places me more in the Republican camp generally, but closest to the South Park Conservatives.

on Nov 03, 2004
The folks who think that practioners of "High Magick" were telepathically influencing the election for Bush

Damn I knew I should have called the IOT, Thelemic, and Golden Dawn to influence the election for Badnarik!!
Hate it when Occultists get taken advantage of either for support or condemnation without permission from the Occultist.
Oh well, time to go make a SPELL to give Kerry and Bush an unrelenting pain in the ASS!!

You remind me of the babe!
What babe?
The babe with the power!
What power?
The power of voodoo!
Who do?
You do!
Do what?
Remind of the babe!

Roid Spell Plinko!! MUAHAHAHAHAHA
on Nov 03, 2004
you allow your group to be indetified exclusively by nutjobs like these no one will be willing to step up to the plate for you the moderate voices.

What exactly is it that you think I (or Tex) can do to stop them????

Both parties have very volatile nutjobs that find their repeated fifteen minutes of infamy. Wasn't it a right wing guy who said that 9/11 happened because of the feminists and homosexuals in NYC? Isn't it a right wing guy that pickets funerals with "God Hates Fags" signs?

Now, before you accuse me (however rightly) of playing the well worn game of "I know you are but what am I," my point is that as a liberal I have no more control over what these passionate nutjobs say than you do over the nutjobs on the right. I don't allow them to say anything of the sort. And to be perfectly clear, I disagree with everything they've said above and would say so to their faces. In fact, on my own blog I've tried to write a different sort of discourse in response to the election.

Please, all I ask is that we not attribute complete agreement to either party/political leaning. There is a diversity of worldviews on both (all) sides of the political fence -- some rational and sound, others inflammatory and insane. I won't hold you accountable for the ravings of Ann Coulter or Rush Limbaugh if you will accept that I might not be a clone for Michael Moore or Chris Matthews.
on Nov 03, 2004
on Nov 03, 2004

I have no more control over what these passionate nutjobs say than you do over the nutjobs on the right.

The right has kept their nutjobs farb below the level of power that left has allowed it's own to attain. The inmates are running the asylum.

What exactly is it that you think I (or Tex) can do to stop them????

Grab an account on DU and steer the convo, go to the convention, ect do what you have to. Or don't and the slippage will simply continue. It is not my party so it is not my job to fix it. You allowed it to break so it is your responsibilty to pick up the pieces.

Fix it or don't, either way the right gains ground. Interesting conundrum really.

on Nov 03, 2004
Maybe you and Xtine can campaign for a 3rd party?

Hell, I have a hard enough time taking care of my family and myself...besides, a 3rd party? I came oh so close to penning in Jesse Ventura at the polls yesterday. *sigh*

I have a great deal of respect and admiration for her.

Thank you so very much Texas. That means a lot to me.
on Nov 03, 2004
The right has kept their nutjobs farb below the level of power that left has allowed it's own to attain. The inmates are running the asylum.

That seems like a sweeping and unsubstantiated generalization to me. Besides, the nutjobs quoted above (when identified) aren't in particularly powerful Democratic positions, so I guess this is also an argumentative shift.

I take your call to get involved to heart, but I note that it is easy for one such as yourself to point out the breakage (however general) in the other party, but fail to acknowledge the damage in your own. Or, in this case, to acknowledge that the harms you point to on the left can also be found on the right.
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