During our unit’s last go round at this Mission thing, one of our hired hands brought this little gem into work During our unit’s last go round at this Mission thing, one of our hired hands brought this little gem into work. As far as I know it remains un-attributed to any author. Probably better that way. The Creed of the Specialist No one gets away with ...
During our unit’s last go round at this Mission thing, one of our hired hands brought this little gem into work During our unit’s last go round at this Mission thing, one of our hired hands brought this little gem into work. As far as I know it remains un-attributed to any author. Probably better that way. The Creed of the Specialist No one gets away with ...
There has been a recent spate of fake blogging by piesnpies, anti-stalk, and fiksated. These are all the same person blogging under different names. While it is pretty apparent that they are mentally deranged simply from their article "content" they are also indulging in a bit of decption by occasionally pretending to be different people as demonstrated here . Proof that they are the same person? Here , here , and here . Hell if it ...
While I was reading this thread over at PWOT regarding how long various forum members can go without porn (the dicussion is amazing just go read it ) one of the guys there linked to this video (yes safe for work) from the odd folks over at XXXChurch.com. Laugh out loud funny if you ask me (both the video and the forum discussion).
While I was reading this thread over at PWOT regarding how long various forum members can go without porn (the dicussion is amazing just go read it ) one of the guys there linked to this video (yes safe for work) from the odd folks over at XXXChurch.com. Laugh out loud funny if you ask me (both the video and the forum discussion).
The MPAA are suing server operators because they allow traffic which includes "unauthorized" movie sharing packets. Using this logic everyone who has been victimized by a criminal who used a phone to make a contact opr arrange anything in relation to a crime should sue the Telecos for "allowing" this to go on! Obviously telecom should monitor every conversation! Except for the mathematical impossibility of it all of course. The MPAA and the ...
Some people seem to have a total lack of sense. Take this couple for example. They didn't seem to pick up on the furor after Ted Danson's similar faux pas a few years back. Now I could understand if these two folks worked as member of the human freakshow that runs our local Mickey's convenience station but the guy is a fucking judge! Jesus to be this stupid I would be willing to bet that he does an awful lot of blow in chanbers too! ...
The other day on the way in to work at around 0430L I caught an interesting little piece NPR was doing on Brazil and it's implementation of the Kyoto Environmental Protocols. The pice was about 10 minutes long with 9 miuntes and 30 seconds devoted to the lionization of Brazil for it's "progressive move towards using cane alchohol as fuels for their vehicles. Cane fules they explained produce virtually no emissions when compared to gasoline and was cheaper to boot! "...
Emperor Darth Misha I has an intriguing rant about the state of World Hunger over at the Anti-Idiotarian Emipre . For those who need soemthing to make them click the link here you go : ...one of which, at least if you're a Barking Moonbat writing shoddy copy for a "newspaper", is to dig out stories about how we should all feel bad while carving the turkey or whatnot for all of the poooooor people in the world. After all, it's our fault and our fault alone that t...
When you come online into an esatblished community with a poorly aimed flamethrower, you don't get to bitch about other people flamethrowing back. Especially after you make a grovelling apology and then ramp right back up to your preivous antics. My heart bleads for you Mr. Jesusstayscrunchy. Can't take the heat? Then don't be an assclown! (I was not even one of those after you and I know you ain't in the right here.) God I love "Waah! I am never blogging ag...
Well Estrogen Lass is PCS'ing out to Ft. Huachuca now to be an instuctor. At the moment she is visiting some of her relatives back in hot-ass Florida but she should be out here in a couple days. Thankfully I put in for some leave so I can clean up the house! You see as Fox Mulder once said, "Men are just bears who happen to have furniture." I have been on my own out here for around a year and those of you who know me well should know that that...
The Intel community desperately needs a forum like JU The Intel community desperately needs a forum like JU. Why? Because here users can offer their candid opinion. The exists no analog in the SIGINT community or to my knowledge any other “INT” community. Everyday I burn with things I want to address to the community ...
Back when I went to my first promotion board I was a student of military thought Back when I went to my first promotion board I was a student of military thought. Don’t laugh those of you who know me, it’s true. Scott Sturycz (yes that’s a real name) spent a solid month answering each others board questions from around 700 little white DLI flashcards (they rule!) and we knew our shit. &n...
For those of you who have never tried it the military has this lovely thing collectively referred to as "having duty". This basically means that you go and sit your tired ass in some collective area (like the barracks) and guard a phone. Depending on your duty station you may also liven up the evening by signing people in and out on leave, handing out vital morale supplies like pool cues that were last used on the original set of Walking Tall , and making sure some schl...
From Nation Review Online : Do we now remember the impassable peaks, the snowy haunts of the Taliban that were too high for us, or Kabul, the dreaded graveyard of all imperial expeditions? It was just a few months ago, it seems now, that we were admonished about the fury of retaliation to come for daring to fight during Ramadan, the impossibility of working with a nuclear and Islamic Pakistan, and the Wild West nature of Afghanistan's tribes so impossible to forge i...