The MPAA are suing server operators because they allow traffic which includes "unauthorized" movie sharing packets. Using this logic everyone who has been victimized by a criminal who used a phone to make a contact opr arrange anything in relation to a crime should sue the Telecos for "allowing" this to go on! Obviously telecom should monitor every conversation! Except for the mathematical impossibility of it all of course.

     The MPAA and the RIAA are on the losing end of this proposition anyway you slice it. Looks like sticking with Redbooks audios 15-17 songs a CD scheme is backfiring a bit. Ditto for the movie industrys overzealous approach to profit milking. Squeeze the market and it finds an outlet folks.

Site Meter
on Dec 14, 2004

That is why I fully support Rick Boucher, a Democrat here in the old Dominion. He wants to cut the balls off of these clowns!

hey!  Should we have protected the buggy whip industry just because it was threatened by henry Ford?

Hello RIAA and MPAA.  Your clientele is leaving you!  Remember Janis Ian and Chely Wright?  Or even (shudder) Mikey Moore!

on Dec 14, 2004
The absolute best thing that could happen to music and films in this country is the demise of the RIAA and the MPAA.

Them trying to sue ISPs is as stupid as a bank sueing the city because it allowed the bank robbers to use its streets as a means of getaway.

The RIAA and MPAA have stifled music and film long enough. Just like the mafia, their time has passed.
on Dec 14, 2004
You really do need to watch out for TPC, tho.