greywar's Articles In Blogging » Page 5
March 9, 2005 by greywar
     Ok so even though I was quite proud to have climbed the top blog list this last month I have to point out that the darn thing is totally broken. I noticed one blog which I had never read climbing the ranks until it reached number one tonight. Clicking on it I discover it has exactly one article and zero referrals. Some screen shots : and Note that this is in no way the fault of the blogger shown here just posting this as a sort of bug report.
March 28, 2005 by greywar
     Calling out a blogger by name in the title of an article is borderline .      Writing a rambling idiotic rant in said article is infantile and actually takes away any credibility you might have been building.      Not bothering to figure out how to link to the article your screed is referring to means you are too lazy or technically challenged to blog.      Finally, disabling comments on this s...
April 3, 2005 by greywar
     Sweet Jesus this has got to be the lamest shit I have ever seen on JU. From this pointless crap (hey just post your reply here as an article and then link the original), to the long, unindented, run-on paragraphs here ... Do you want people to actually read what you write or are you just testing the byte density limit of the universe? Why post dreck like this and then turn off commentary? Aaargh!
April 8, 2005 by greywar
Some headlines from the sites used by selected moonbats as "sources" for their "theories": "Google Big Brother Sattelite Mapping" "Martial Law : 9-11 The Rise of the Police State" "Cashless Society Control Grid" "Terri's Death Meant to Send a Message" "Did Pope Hinder New World Order" "NWO Puppets Go to Pope Funeral" "Dark Secrets Inside the Bohemian Grove" "The National DNA Database and the UN Push to Register All Babies" "Blog Comments Betray Pro-Dea...
April 14, 2005 by greywar
     Dear readers (all 4 of you), I apologize for both the slackening of my writing pace and more importantly for the precipitous decline in my writing quality over the last month or so. My work schedule shifted a while back and I find myself utterly unable to concentrate on this shift. The computer on which I compose these travesties against the written word is right next to the TOC door facing away fom the opening of said portal. This means that every time the damnable gate...
November 26, 2007 by greywar
If any JU mods happen to se this and have a moment please consider banning the "owner" of this JU blog .   The author is a simple medical product spammer: JoeUser Profile ID: 2595258 User Access: Citizen(1) Nickname: Citizen senone Country: Create Date: 9/25/2006 9:28:52 AM Last Logged On: 11/26/2007 12:31:51 AM   # Articles: 42 # Article Replies: 0 User Points: 700 User Rank: N/A No ...
June 26, 2007 by greywar
     Anyone know how to start a new blog group? It used to be a feature under "My Account" IIR but it seems to have gone away.     *Edited for a title typo. I have no idea what a "blgo" might be but it isn't what I wanted to ask about.
March 20, 2007 by greywar
       This is nothing but a listing of my intelligence related articles. Keeps them handy for reference and will likely grow into a Table of Contents sometime in the future of the blog. Mostly from newest to oldest:   Lost in translation *intentionally*   Military Standards: IQ vs. Work Ethic / Altruism   US Intelligence Collection Flaws and Fixes   How I Became an Intelligence Analayst (Pt. 1)   ...
February 13, 2007 by greywar
     I really want to write something. Really, I'm serious. Maybe a screedy political rant thoroughly laced with unusual combinations of profanity, perhaps an article delineating the things I adore about a game no one but me and Pseudosoldier have ever played, or perhaps a long winded diatribe regarding the continuing decline of Army culture (you know, the ones that draw less commentary than the ADOM articles) but I just can't.      The non-stop, wall-...
January 30, 2007 by greywar
     Anyone know what happened to Parated2k? His blog site just has one article from last year on it.
January 26, 2007 by greywar
Just wondering if there is something going on down in the DB trenches? JU seems to be acting up, tripple posts, recent article bar updating once every hour or so, load errors... Not griping, just curious.
January 19, 2007 by greywar
     60% of Americans say ham is evil! So why does this administration continue to support the use of ham in schools!      Sound outrageous? Of course it does. It is an outrageous claim. If I actually expected you to believe this it would be reasonable to ask me for a link to the source of my claim. If you asked for proof of it and I couldn't provide it you would be justified in assuming that I was full of shit.      This sam...
November 2, 2006 by greywar
     Sorry it took me so long to even get around to this folks, but Oleteach suggested to me that I not leave you all hanging (if any of you even read this anymore). Fact it I simply don't have time to blog. When I first started blogging I had huge quantities of time (even at work) and I used them to wrtie. Now I still have some time for non-work/schoola ctivity but blogging just doesn't make the cut priority-wise.      I don't feel it is fair of me to...
September 6, 2006 by greywar
Posting this article seems to have broken the JU Blog portion of my blog. The article is fine if you view it through the forums but this is what it looks like from the JU blog side of the house (on my computer at least) :     I can't edit it or even delete it. Pretty sure this is a bit of a Javascript thing (sitemeter's JScript counter most likely) but I can't seem to fix it from here. Sorry.  
May 7, 2006 by greywar
     Sorry for the long hiatus folks... I simply have not had the time or (more importantly) the inclination to blog for quite a bit. Fact of the matter was that with my life in flux (post ETS) I just didn't want to spend time on blogging in the manner I had become accumstomed to.      In Iraq and in Texas as well I had a lot of time to kill and JU provided a great way to kill it. Nowadays I simply don't seem to have as many hours available for the r...