For those who are interested, Pseudosoldier , Cochise, The Pokekorean, SSG Smiley, SGT Monobrow, SSG Unreadable, SPC Lovechild, and yours truly will be traveling to The Presidio of Monterey for the World Wide Language Olympics . This will be my first time competing and it will also be first time I have been back to the Defense Language Institute since I graduated in 1993. &nbs...
<html> <head> <title>Stripers</title> <meta name="Author" content="Greywar"> <meta name="keywords" content="army promotion NCO hero book stripes chevrons"> <style>p{margin-top:5pt;margin-bottom:5pt}</style> </head> <body> <font> <p>Stripers</p> <p>In <a href=" "><font><u>part one</a></u></font> of this article I add...
(In fairness I should have done this one before Pseudo’s but well…I am a dick.) (In fairness I should have done this one before Pseudo’s but well…I am a dick.) Dharmagirl’s blog was the second blog I read here at JU ( Brad’s were first and I don’t know if doing a “top blog” article for him would just come off as “knob-slobbing”) and Dharma’s were in ...
My top 9 articles from the inestimable Shebih Joondi Himself. (inspired by chiprj) 1. 2LT Cowherd, US Army 2. What puts the prefix in my name. 3. Supporting the troops. 4. The first time I met him (not homoerotic fiction - Ed) 5. How are you? 6. Iraqi Security Forces 7. Encounters at Sick Call 8. An Ancient Art 9. The WOLF Den Well those are the one I like best, feel free to disagree. *edit : Drunk while writing title... thusly -----> ...
I just spent the last hour catching up on all the blogs I have not read in about 3 weeks. Took me just over an hour to click through them all but I am current again. My point? Well mainly that I want to thank my Mom for teaching me to read very quickly. I clock at around 2000WPM most days (depending on content) and it helps to have nearly a perfect memory for printed material. This gift has made my life both tremendously easier and more enjoyable. Thanks
So, today I was asked if it was fear of reprisal that had stopped me from blogging as of late So, today I was asked if it was fear of reprisal that had stopped me from blogging as of late. The answer to that is an unequivocal no. The main reason I have been gone was a lack of motivation followed closely by a lack of time. Compounding all of this was reluctance to continue banging my head against the rough wal...
Over at they are holding a vote for the best Blogs of 2004 . There tons of different categories based on everything from content to traffic rank and yet from my look through the lists there is not a single JU blog present! Get over there and email the webmaster so we won't be "disenfranchised" like this next year! Maybe we should call the ACLU? Update : Apparently The Daily Kos is up to it's hips ...
Since music seemed to be unfair I went with the spoken Word.. Here is a Dragon "transricpt" of a Celebrity Jeopardy from SNL with Bjork, Sean Connery, and Dave Matthews. is t is ao this is it it's as a it's a variety was that the eye to show will Wednesday when you I the next to-eye incision to come to the eye that will to him a eye is it is that and a for a and my intestines on the new and we have a shopping, you eye and located to the way to get eye for a witch to show you ...
Since Pseudo brought up the Wiesbaden question again, I decided to test it..... Here goes : Here is Toby Kieth's American Solier as told by Dragon Naturally Speaking With an with the with a of him with him a him who him who with a him for a him who him who him who him who with him who him who him who him with a him for with an him who him a him who him who with Limp Bizkit's Almost Over to the eye to Athena the him him him h...
I am trying to train up my Dragon Naturally Speaking voice-to-text program. This will allow me, (your lazy blogger), to keep up with the likes of chiprj who gets to blog from work. The assclown. Now here is what Dragon thought I said as I read the above text to it : I'm trying to train up my Dragon Naturally Speaking voice to text program. This will allow me (your lazy longer) to keep up with the likes of Chip R. J. Gates of long from...
Kenai: a peninsula and a faithful hound... I am not sure i can express my feelings on this matter...
Just a link for you! The pajamahedeen in black strike!
A quotable from work.... SGT Greywar to SPC Egregious : "Wow you look like shit today!" SPC Littleboy to SGT Greywar : "So do you!" SPC Egregious : " You can always tell the souless and the dishevelled ones cuz they're the Sup(ervisor)s!"
My last few articles have been done in 14pt New Time Roman with double line spacing My last few articles have been done in 14pt New Time Roman with double line spacing. 90% percent of the time they look fine on my computer but every once in a while I see them with the lines all bunched up. Do they look right to those of you out there who read them? I am still trying to nail down what format JU l...
JU has changed it's forum view quite a lot and I have spotted a strangeness... In the forum view you can select your own comments for Trolling or Insightful ratings (something you never used to be able to do) and clicking on the buttons have strange effects... The first time it raised my score by a few points and the 2nd time I tried it it lowered my score by the same amount (perhaps a half finished guard against self-given Insightful points-whoring?). Anyone else notice...