Since Pseudo brought up the Wiesbaden question again, I decided to test it..... Here goes :
Here is Toby Kieth's American Solier as told by Dragon Naturally Speaking
With an with the with a of him with him a him who him who with a him for a him who him who him who him who with him who him who him who him with a him for with an him who him a him who him who with
Limp Bizkit's Almost Over
to the eye to Athena the him him him him to him him him to the him him who him of him with him in the him who him who we him in the him in the him who him who him the him who him who him and him a with him who in him theh him whoim who with him for a him a him to with it and is and him and of the with him a to theth him thee him for a to him whom who with the with a him for a him the him for a him for a him the him a math
Barray Sadler's Ballad of the Green Beret (a great song)
And a school and asked him and him who whom and cool and him who and him who who him who him the him him the whom the him who him a him who with him for a him him who with the him who is the him a him who him the him who him him if you him him in a the him who him him him in him him him him who who him in
Not so good. Seems that alomst any background interference interfers fatally. So much for Echelon.