The Truth Laid Bear has a fairly unique system of ranking blogs against other blogs in their Ecosystem. I have been a member for some time now (with a current ranking of “Slithering Reptile”) and I find it to be an instructive way to compare how many blogs do traffic and other wise.
Now to be fair they are just using the same stats from (they provide that little number at the bottom of my articles) but they are comparing this data to other blog sites who are also monitored in this manner. This is a lot more enlightening than just the Sitemeter stats themselves. For those of you who may have wondered how JU rates among the major blogs of the world I have posted two bandwidth hogging pictures 
The Top of the Blogs first (for context)
And then down where JU rates. (note that the Ecosphere tracks JU as a whole unit rather than individual blog pages) and this is where JU’s auto-syndication feature really shines. You see we get the bennies of being read equally here at JU as opposed to other lesser sites with no auto-syndication.
This is why I blog here and this is why I have stayed. JU brings us all readers and an open forum with solid moderation. For free. Thanks JU.