JU has changed it's forum view quite a lot and I have spotted a strangeness... In the forum view you can select your own comments for Trolling or Insightful ratings (something you never used to be able to do) and clicking on the buttons have strange effects... The first time it raised my score by a few points and the 2nd time I tried it it lowered my score by the same amount (perhaps a half finished guard against self-given Insightful points-whoring?). Anyone else notice...
Some sentiments from a peaceful and tolerant blogger in response to this post . I won’t put their handle in this blog (although you can of course find it on the original thread). pretty sad commentary on this individual who uses one of the better anecdotes as a mockery. And sadder is how this person had a response of "wow man that was great ha ha ha". Sickening. Tolerance would be a good thing in these turbulent times. And it's unfortunate because attitides like that ma...
I can safely say that in all the time I have used the Net that I have clicked on exactly one ad banner ever (intentionally). Yet ad banners are huge on the Net. Am I alone in never clicking on them? Do you? Who the hell is supporting this industry? Just curious.
My non-updating buddy Negrodamus' blog here at JU has been blocked by Websense for "Adult" content. So far hi is the only one I can't read here. Personally I would have placed his sit under the "Tasteless" category
I didn't notice it until Estrogen Lass pointed it out in an email (honest) but somehow you guys have read this thing enough to make my blog number one for a day (even topping Brad's own (EL insists I am *ahem* "servicing him" (I'm not))). Because it is unlikely to ever happen again (and I am certainly around a million hits/day from threatening guys with real talent) I took a screen shot of it (for posterity mind you!). Thanks for reading...
It's not like Lileks needs a bump from me but I eally am enjoying his Joe Ohio fiction series. The groundrules are simple: One matchbook drawn at random fom his collection follwed by whatever plotline he can extrapolate in 30 minutes flat. The result is somewhat dark and depressing but extrememly engaging nonethless. Check it out. Certainly worth more of your time than those online horoscope places . While you ...
(Note : The previous Deadly Charisma are located here : 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 Well here I am again. Not as fucked this time around though. Seems that I am now in Iraq in SFC Vince Calangelo's company. I arrived at around 3 a.m. local time and was quickly shown to a cot set-up in one of Saddam's old aircraft hangars. Even before my bags were all upstairs I heard someone bounding up to th second floor in the dark. There he was Vinc...
If any JU mods happen to se this and have a moment please consider banning the "owner" of this JU blog . The author is a simple medical product spammer: JoeUser Profile Stardock.net ID: 2595258 User Access: Citizen(1) Nickname: Citizen senone Country: Create Date: 9/25/2006 9:28:52 AM Last Logged On: 11/26/2007 12:31:51 AM # Articles: 42 # Article Replies: 0 User Points: 700 User Rank: N/A No ...
Anyone know how to start a new blog group? It used to be a feature under "My Account" IIR but it seems to have gone away. *Edited for a title typo. I have no idea what a "blgo" might be but it isn't what I wanted to ask about.
This is nothing but a listing of my intelligence related articles. Keeps them handy for reference and will likely grow into a Table of Contents sometime in the future of the blog. Mostly from newest to oldest: Lost in translation *intentionally* Military Standards: IQ vs. Work Ethic / Altruism US Intelligence Collection Flaws and Fixes How I Became an Intelligence Analayst (Pt. 1) ...
I really want to write something. Really, I'm serious. Maybe a screedy political rant thoroughly laced with unusual combinations of profanity, perhaps an article delineating the things I adore about a game no one but me and Pseudosoldier have ever played, or perhaps a long winded diatribe regarding the continuing decline of Army culture (you know, the ones that draw less commentary than the ADOM articles) but I just can't. The non-stop, wall-...
Anyone know what happened to Parated2k? His blog site just has one article from last year on it.
Just wondering if there is something going on down in the DB trenches? JU seems to be acting up, tripple posts, recent article bar updating once every hour or so, load errors... Not griping, just curious.
60% of Americans say ham is evil! So why does this administration continue to support the use of ham in schools! Sound outrageous? Of course it does. It is an outrageous claim. If I actually expected you to believe this it would be reasonable to ask me for a link to the source of my claim. If you asked for proof of it and I couldn't provide it you would be justified in assuming that I was full of shit. This sam...
Sorry it took me so long to even get around to this folks, but Oleteach suggested to me that I not leave you all hanging (if any of you even read this anymore). Fact it I simply don't have time to blog. When I first started blogging I had huge quantities of time (even at work) and I used them to wrtie. Now I still have some time for non-work/schoola ctivity but blogging just doesn't make the cut priority-wise. I don't feel it is fair of me to...