All this weekend (a long one for our platoon) I had exactly nothing I wished to post about. Just couldn¡¯t muster a strong enough emotion to write about. I knew I could count on work to provide me with something but I just didn¡¯t count on it being as early as 0630! Some of you out there know that our current First Sergeant ( SFC Manatee ) is not exa...
All this weekend (a long one for our platoon) I had exactly nothing I wished to post about. Just couldn¡¯t muster a strong enough emotion to write about. I knew I could count on work to provide me with something but I just didn¡¯t count on it being as early as 0630! Some of you out there know that our current First Sergeant ( SFC Manatee ) is not exa...
This just needed a post of it's own so that all could bask in it's glory. On this thread Estrogen Lass said : It was a bad thing if SFC C was bored. When he got bored, thats when he would roam and wreak havoc upon us unsuspecting mission drones. Thats when God just left us. Its sorta like that footprints poem. Except when we saw one set of footprints, it was SFC C walking off with one of our heads tied around his neck while our dead body was twitching in the w...
This just needed a post of it's own so that all could bask in it's glory. On this thread Estrogen Lass said : It was a bad thing if SFC C was bored. When he got bored, thats when he would roam and wreak havoc upon us unsuspecting mission drones. Thats when God just left us. Its sorta like that footprints poem. Except when we saw one set of footprints, it was SFC C walking off with one of our heads tied around his neck while our dead body was twitching in the w...
After saluting Old Glory (naval connotations apropos for this article) at the end of day formation I made my way through the scorching Texas sun down to the post shoppette to procure the weekends liquid diet. While I stood in front of the beer cooler holding my 2 Liter bottle of Jack Daniels and a 6 pack of Shiner bock I noticed that the outrageously popular "Masculine or Feminine Drink" article Pseudo and I had written a while back was lacking. SGT Hworang w...
After saluting Old Glory (naval connotations apropos for this article) at the end of day formation I made my way through the scorching Texas sun down to the post shoppette to procure the weekends liquid diet. While I stood in front of the beer cooler holding my 2 Liter bottle of Jack Daniels and a 6 pack of Shiner bock I noticed that the outrageously popular "Masculine or Feminine Drink" article Pseudo and I had written a while back was lacking. SGT Hworang w...
An writers perspective on the behind the scenes "action" that went into The Revenge of the Sith. Excerpt : He bursts into laughter. "Ohhhhh. Okay, right. The 'script,'" he chuckles, making little quotey gestures with his fingers. I interpret these to be an olive branch of friendship and once again try to shake one of his quote-making hands, with little success. " I've been trying to make the bottom two inches of Darth Vader's cape look wrinkled for...
An writers perspective on the behind the scenes "action" that went into The Revenge of the Sith. Excerpt : He bursts into laughter. "Ohhhhh. Okay, right. The 'script,'" he chuckles, making little quotey gestures with his fingers. I interpret these to be an olive branch of friendship and once again try to shake one of his quote-making hands, with little success. " I've been trying to make the bottom two inches of Darth Vader's cape look wrinkled for...
Can't get it on NetFlix but I highly recommend Peter Jackson's pre-tolkien work of "art" Meet the Feebles . (Your mileage may vary and refunds for the damnation of your immortal soul not offered.)
Can't get it on NetFlix but I highly recommend Peter Jackson's pre-tolkien work of "art" Meet the Feebles . (Your mileage may vary and refunds for the damnation of your immortal soul not offered.)
With the recent discovery of "hobbitz" in New Zealand Peter Jackson simply can't be stopped! Fanboys rejoice with the first leaks from LOTR IV! (from ) Excerpt from a stolen script: VOICEOVER And in the land of the Hobbits a new era has also come to pass. The legendary Bilbo Baggins, having spent a decade in the Grey Havens, finally succumbed to a mortal case of Hobbit Rot. Open on a banner, spread...
With the recent discovery of "hobbitz" in New Zealand Peter Jackson simply can't be stopped! Fanboys rejoice with the first leaks from LOTR IV! (from ) Excerpt from a stolen script: VOICEOVER And in the land of the Hobbits a new era has also come to pass. The legendary Bilbo Baggins, having spent a decade in the Grey Havens, finally succumbed to a mortal case of Hobbit Rot. Open on a banner, spread...
MICHAEL.RICHARD.TAYL Normal MICHAEL.RICHARD.TAYL 1 11 2004-09-01T20:01:00Z 2004-09-01T20:12:00Z 1 15th MI BN (AE) 1 1 9.6926 So the Pokekorean went on afood run to Jason’s Del itoday (mmmm like a fat laden bit of heaven that is…) and made the criticalmistake of leaving his car to walk the 5 yards from his car without putting onhis beret. A man in civilian clothes identified himself as a Sergeant Major andwanted ...