greywar's Articles In Business
February 22, 2005 by greywar
            One of the first things I was taught as I prepared to become a Non-Commissioned Officer was that I should strive to avoid creating ethical dilemmas for my soldiers. This means that I shouldn’t issue orders whose fulfillment would require my soldiers to do unethical things such as “Lay out your gear in one hour. If you don’t have X then you will be punished.” When you give orders like this with no legitimate outlet (like g...
February 24, 2005 by greywar
Guest Normal Guest 2 25 2005-02-25T11:41:00Z 2005-02-25T11:41:00Z 1 666 3798 US ARMY 31 7 4664 9.3821             GameDevelopers listen up! Many of you with games in development have hordes ofslavering fanboys who follow every tiny change or rumor regarding your product.These are loyal fans who will do virtually anything to help ensure the successof their chosen object of devotion. Use them.             Thereare countless exam...
June 13, 2007 by greywar
     Most people would find it unthinkable that a businessman would be willing to spend anywhere from $400,000-multiple millions of dollars to open a business but then be unwilling to spend a few hundred or few thousand more to help that same business succeed but it happens every day.        Right here in town 2 of our favorite restaurants have gone out of business (much to EL’s dismay) because of just such a mentality. Spend huge quant...
April 22, 2007 by greywar
             Isn’t that what we all want? Maybe not so much. I used to work at domino’s prior to getting my current job and I’ll let you in on a secret… (I sorta enjoyed the business end of the job). This shouldn’t surprise anyone who knows me as I am fascinated by virtually anything from ant behavior to the economics of traffic meters (it’s a character flaw I think).            &n...
March 5, 2007 by greywar
    I was a pizza driver. I am not ashamed of this fact but I have hidden it on occasion. Why? Because allowing the fact to be known in these situations would have placed me at a massive disadvantage. Let me explain:      When the company I know work for called me back and scheduled a sit-down to talk about making me a salary offer I knew that I needed to do a few things:           1. Get a new set of clothe...