For a long time people have been asking me how to put links like this in my articles . I would explain that all you have to do is highlight the text you wish to turn into a link and click the little "chainlink" icon where you would input your URL. Well I have finally figured out why this was not working for them. It turns out the JU has different editors for users who are ranked as "Power User" and higher. Level one folks don't get to use this "chainlink" button (the en...
Many of you have probably noticed that in most of my articles I tend to use a style known (somewhat derisively) as the Wall of Blue . This developed as the direct result of having large quantities of time to kill during our unit’s last Mission. In order to preserve my sanity and to keep SSG Calangelo from flying into a rage I would often engage in a variety of searched loosely based on the Googlewhack technique. &nbs...
I do not own and iPod but they are something of craze in the rest of my unit. Most of the folks that own them are not techies just average soldier types and they love them. In the course of performing a music related task for one of these guys I found this : JHymn and it's wealth of features (namely the stripping of DRM encryption from iTunes music). I have used professional commercially sold software that is less robust, less fu...
On April 1 Gmail posted a little April Fool's joke called the "Infinity +1" storage solution. It was supposed to allow unlimited storage for all users. Of course this was just for launghs put in reality Gmail did in fact double it's already massive 1GB of free storage to 2GB+ and it increases every second as they add more space. Observe : That is an astonishing number even for a pay service much less a free one. Can Yahoo, Hotmail...
A comment from an earlier thread of software piracy . He raised a good issue and my response exceeded what I like for comments so it gets it’s own article. Phileosophos wrote: So in other words, a software "distro" system is crappy if it (1) takes any amount of time to get a game to you, and/or (2) is simply inconvenient in your eyes, and this justifies your stealing things? What a jerk. Grow up and buy something if you want it.  ...
Confessions of a software pirate. Recently Brad has dived back into the topic of game piracy online . Here is my two-cents. I am a game pirate from way back in the day before the internet and even before BBS systems. In the stone age we would pirate games by receiving cracked copies of Apple II games on 5.25 floppies ( Dig-dug , ...
If this article makes it to 100 responses I too will buy the 100th poster a Stardock subscription.....
Just downloaded GoogleEarth Pro's trial version here and man what a toy! I have been zooming about the globe for an hour or so and I can't get enough! A sample from Pyongyang (pronounced Pyuhng-yahhng not P-yongYang with a Texas twang) North Korea : I am betting they don't have a lot of hot-buttered squid at the home games. In closing I would like to say "Fuck FalconView !".
I know some of you hate the link and discuss posts on here but tough... David Wong of has put up another incredibly insightful and entertaining article dealing with how online gaming is reshaping portions of society and why it is doing so. Go read it. A quote from the article : Even now, much of the satisfaction for WoW gamers is in the very real sense of accomplishment they get, a person glowing with a burst of golden l...
Anyone else use Gmail notifier and find that it interfers with their keyboard? Whenever I have it on it seems to be sending keyboard interrupts causing the keyboard to miss keystrokes. Very irritating. (Of course I just turned it off)
Credit : Slashdot Update : I ama retard. Link to the article about Yahoo is here and also fixed in the article's main body. Way back in Jun 04 I wrote a bit about AOL's sketchy practice of marketing their Kid's Only Rooms as "a safe environment on the Net" all the while knowing that it was like putting up a giant sign saying "All the little kiddies are right here!" for the net pedophiles. AOL still reaps huge profit from unsavvy paren...
Hi, my name is Greywar and I'm a caffaholic. I thought that powering down Sobe No Fears mixed with cheap Vodka while simultaneously chewing guarana laced gum and freebasing instant coffee mix was rock bottom and when I was snorting lines of crushed caffinated mints off our medic's ass *sob* *sniff* I was sure I could sink no farther! The group sessions have helped a little and I am really grateful for the methadone mocha lat...
Just got a new scam that made it through the spam filter. This one looks like a delivery failure notification but it is from an email that you never sent. Wose still is that it has a semi legit link at the bottom to an article at Der Speigel. All the Kenyan email addresses on it suggest something nefarious though... A Sample... ...