Published on May 22, 2004 By greywar In Humor

Jointly written with Pseudosoldier.

Would you classify the following drinks as masculine, feminine, both or neither:

Beer (Be it MGD, Killian's, Shiner Bock, or what have you.... = obviously masculine
Black Russian = Masculine but academic
Cape Cod = Feminine all the way yet tasty!
Screwdriver = Feminine!
Vodka, straight = Masculine, must be drunk while singing the old soviet national anthem (the new Russian one has no panache)
White Russian = Very feminine
Wine = Neither but definately effete or academic


The questions were posed by Pseudosoldier and answered by me so all blame is mine and all credit is his.


Comments (Page 1)
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on May 22, 2004
Originally, the question was posed because SGT Monobrow and I got in an argument over whether a Cape Cod was a girly drink. We agreed to ask you (the subject matter expert), but he said I couldn't stack the question against the 'Cod. Your answer supported my stand, but also supported him in his drinking of it. (He also latched onto the 3rd definition of "effete" ~ effeminate, in reference to the liter and a half of wine I had last night.)
on May 22, 2004
Are one of you from Texas? I noticed that you had Shiner Bock on there... its one of my favorite bocks... along with Zieger....
As for wine.... I drink Apple wine... whats that make me?

on May 22, 2004
Monobrow is a Mincing poof no matter what he drinks.
on May 22, 2004

Cann1bal - both of us live in Texas actually....

Boone's is a fine apple wine if thats what you are drinking it just makes you economically conscious.

on May 22, 2004
I was drinking the same pinot grigio that I started on in Almania. Of course, it was 4.80/bottle there, but I found a "double bottle" yesterday at the Class Six for 11.35 ... good times.
Also, if anyone is interested in adding their opinions of the listed drinks, you can also post other drinks that I left off the hastily compiled list. Like whiskey, Rum or Old Crow.
on May 22, 2004
I'm not familiar with the Cape Cod, but I'd agree with your classification of all the other drinks, except for the screwdriver...I think of it as neither masculine or feminine. JMO, of course.
on May 22, 2004
Long Island Iced Tea ...yummmm

on May 22, 2004

I always thought of the screwdriver as feminine for some reason....

So, what about a B-52?


on May 23, 2004
it just makes you economically conscious.

WTF??? So he gets to be "economically conscious"? You never used such euphemisms for me...

Cann1bal, we can get Shiner here in MN too...
on May 23, 2004
Arq, instead of economically conscious did he label you "flouncing nancy?"
Jess, do you feel that Long Island Tea is feminine, then? I'm starting to form a theory based on number of ingredients... mostly due to the "punishment" drinks that Monobrow forced upon us in San Fran. Then again, maybe they weren't "feminine," but instead "stupid." Maybe I have to get another category.
After tonight, I think Red Bull and Vodka is masculine, and Red Bull and Bacardi Limon (hellooooo, Monobrow) is a bit feminine.
on May 23, 2004
I think Long Island Iced Tea is potent and tastes nice.

I guess it is considered feminine but could easiy knock a man on his butt

What about Cock Sucking Cowboys ...F / M ?

on May 23, 2004
Boone's is a fine apple wine

boone's farm?
on May 23, 2004
What about Cock Sucking Cowboys

i think its a really good thing i no longer drink.
on May 23, 2004

What about Cock Sucking Cowboys ...F / M ?

I am sure Monobrow find's these *very* masculine and tasty!

on May 23, 2004
did he label you "flouncing nancy?"

Pseudo... you misunderstand. It wasn't that I drank that particular drink. It's just that my personal finances were "extraordinarily conservative"...

Here's one for ya... if all beer is obviously masculine, what does that make "Old Growler"?
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