Hey Vince! How 'bout those Jets ? My Ecosystem Details
Well the first brutal night is over for the NCAA tournament and already I am doing about as well as random chance : Rights? Illinois Boston College Arizona Washington Texas Tech Gonzaga Wake Forest West Virginia Utah Oklahoma Kentucky Total so far :11 Right Wrongs? Nevada Wisconsin UAB Pacific Cincinatti Total 5 Wrong... Not too bad but not too good either....
Time for a bit less serious topic... I was never a big NCAA basketball fan until I got to Iraq and had nothing to do but follow sports that I usually don't have time for back home. So without further ado : Yes New Mexico in the Championship game is a bit of a Cinderella story waiting to happen but I think Granger can take them there. No one is beating Wake Forest though. Got Beef? Post yer own in the comments!
Having just returned from the East Coast from a bit of combination leave/TDY I was looking forward to having this weekend (a 3 day due to Corps policy) off to catch up. True to form my buddy SGT Negrodamus called Saturday morning and asked if I would be interested in going fishing? After nailing down all the details like "Where do I get a fishing liscense here?" and "Do you have a fishing rod?" we were off. I got my liscense from the lovely folks over at Wal-mart and...
Today at 0630 we had our standard morning torture session Today at 0630 we had our standard morning torture session. Our normal NCO was not available to lead the torture so we had a substitute inquisitor. Unfortunately the replacement is a complete moron. For those of your who may be unfamiliar with the concept of pyramids in ex...