Published on April 27, 2004 By greywar In Sports & Leisure
Today at 0630 we had our standard morning torture session


            Today at 0630 we had our standard morning torture session. Our normal NCO was not available to lead the torture so we had a substitute inquisitor. Unfortunately the replacement is a complete moron.

            For those of your who may be unfamiliar with the concept of pyramids in exercise they typically follow a pattern something like this:

                        15 push–ups

                        15 sit-ups

                        14 push-ups

                        14 sit-ups

                        And so on down to 3 or so reps…


            This allows you to alternately work and rest different muscle groups. Makes sense right? Not to this assclown. His version of pyramids goes just like this:


                        12 push-ups

                        11 push-ups

                        10 push-ups

                        09 push-ups

                        08 push-ups

                        And on down to one….for a total of 78


            You might ask why not just do 78 push-ups then? You would be right to ask. This guy simply never gave it a synapses worth of consideration. He was simply on mental cruise control. It is simply a shame that cruise is his only setting ever.


on Apr 27, 2004
What a freakin' idiot. Where did you get him from?

Hopefully you'll have your 'normal' NCO back for the next session.
on Apr 27, 2004
Well, hopefully Darwinism gets a hold of him quickly for humanity's sake. Anyone I know?
on Apr 27, 2004
Where'd we get him from... from HHS. No, EL, you don't know him. He's just some assclown NBC guy to replace our last assclown (pot-smoking) NBC guy.
The 'normal' NCO (she'd probably be all happy you called her 'normal') might be back tomorrow. Maybe not. This guy is the primary alternate, tho. Maybe we can get Talisein...
on Apr 27, 2004
Is this the same "normal" NBC NCO from when I was there? She is a retard. Do you really want to trust the NBC job to Talisen? But then again, looking back at the people we had, I guess he would fit right in. You know, we never did really trust that job to anyone but potheads now that I think about it. Well, and to a guy that went around to barracks rooms waving his penis to people.
on Apr 27, 2004
No, no. This is a *male* assclown. I'm pretty sure you've never seen him. I *think* the one you are referring to is gone, ETS.
And, no, I meant Talisein for "Special" Population PT, not NBC.
on Apr 27, 2004
I think that other NBC NCO actually went on to Green to Gold or something....
on Apr 28, 2004
wow...I feel like I'm reading another language...but the ass-clown comments made me laugh...

greywar--I like your writing style...I look forward to reading more (see, I even read the ones that aren't simply links to other articles! )