greywar's Articles In Health & Medicine
January 26, 2005 by greywar
     The gym here is incredible folks. It is in a tent sure but the folks who set it up knew how to utilize space. Frankly it puts the gym back at West Fort Hood to shame. KBR should run everything! P.S. Fuck I am out of shape!
April 25, 2005 by greywar
     Came across this rather interesting (if a bit one-dimensional) blog covering "non-profit" religious hospitals making truly staggering profits. Hell once I saw some of the portfolios these places are holding with the gains of their "non-profit" profits I wished they were publicly owned companies so I could buy some stock!   A sample for the non-clickers : Not-for-profit Daughters of Charity Health Care System, in California, was established in 2002. Th...
February 28, 2007 by greywar
     When you read webpages about a topic you have to consider the ties of the people who write them. If you look up " Dangers of vaccinations " on Google yoou will fin a host of innocuous looking sites claiming that vaccinations are uneccessary and that all you need to do is allow yourself to eliminate toxins from the body by allowing diseases to run their course through vomiting and diarrhea. Chiropractors and osteopaths will tell you that all you need is a back adjustment ...