When you read webpages about a topic you have to consider the ties of the people who write them. If you look up "Dangers of vaccinations" on Google yoou will fin a host of innocuous looking sites claiming that vaccinations are uneccessary and that all you need to do is allow yourself to eliminate toxins from the body by allowing diseases to run their course through vomiting and diarrhea. Chiropractors and osteopaths will tell you that all you need is a back adjustment and your problems will disappear like magic. Of course if you look a bit deeper into these sites you will find them linking to complete nut-job conspiracy sites. Site's like Alex Jones' infowars.com or places that urge you to "Blast the sludge out of your colon!" and then lin to a hundred sites selling you overpriced herbs. Great source of medical advice... no really.
They cloak themselves with links to articles in medical journals that detail cases of side-effects from vaccines (mostly adults). Of course the back-asswards implication is that if some people have side effects then you shouldn't take the vaccine for fear of the rare side effect. Can your child get meningitis after a mumps inoculation? Possibly, but I would rather run that tiny risk than the massive risk that they will be rendered sterile after getting mumps because I didn't get them a goddamn shot!
"Sorry kid, I know you may have wanted to remain whole and functional but my chiropractor and hundreds of people selling herbal supplements on lunatic websites said that vaccinations are bad. Tough break for you."
Since there is virtually no smallpox in the USA today there must never have been right? Surely, all that vaccination was just a plot by the government to tag you with a DNA strand in order to track your every move right? No one needs vacines. This is the position of many conspiracy whackos on these websites and it is fucking dangerous.
The reason we don't have a smallpox problem today is because we killed it. Killed it dead by vaccinating virtually everyone in the nation for decades until the disease died out. We didn't get rid of it by vomiting more freely or allowing ourselves to have diarrhea to "get rid of toxins" as proponents of the anti-vaccination crowd would like you to believe today. We got rid of it by ensuring that no one around you could get it and spread it. As a result today's children don't have to have a smallpox vaccination unless they go to areas of the world that don't vaccinate, like the Middle East and Africa.
Of course according to the "research" done by anti-medicine folks like chiropractors smallpox and other diseases should be less common in nations who have no immunization and vaccination. After all those people vomit and crap freely unfettered by "evil medicine" when they are hit with disease and so they should be healthier and live longer than we do here in the USA with our dozens to hundreds of lifetime vaccinations. Unfortunately for them it is the opposite. Logic has no place in these people's mythology.
I have been to the third world and it sucks. Your kids die there at a rate unheard of inside the comfy, clean, and vaccinated borders of the US of A. All the vomiting and shitting in the world doesn't do them a damn bit of good. Back adjustments won't cure rubella, influenza, or malaria either. You will just die at a young age with a comfy back.
Do some vaccinations carry the risk of side effects (especially for adults who should have gotten them as kids)? Yes, small risks. You live in Africa and you can take the risk that the rubella vaccine might make 1 child in 10,000 go deaf or 1 adult in 5,000 or you can take the huge chance that you will contract the disease and fucking die. The lesson here is don't put off vaccines until you are an adult. Adults don't deal with them as well as kids do.
There is a reason that propoenents of these "theories" don't get into the Journal of American Medicine (the research is done on side effects and the JAMA never recommends against vaccinations but that doesn't stop these loons from citing these articles as "proof") : Their research techniques can't stand up to peer review. This is why no one is getting Nobel prizes for curing disease via the relief of "subluxions". Simply put, chiropractors can't produce any results beyond the beneficial effects of a back massage under controlled conditions. Of course this doesn't stop them from posing as epidemiologists and recommending that their patients don't vaccinate their kids. Want a back rub and a nice back cracking? Go to a chiropractor, they have good hands. Want advice on disease an vaccines? Go to epidemiologists and immunologists, not the masseuse.
By all means go ahead and ignore doctors and just take Alex friggin Jones' health advice instead! I would also recommend taking out stock in infant caskets at the same time : it's a win-win! Also let me know when you see a thousand chiropractors heading off to Africa to cure the pandemics there with a backrub.