Life as Dhimmi's, Whether You Want it or Not.
Published on December 19, 2006 By greywar In Politics

      I have a very geeky intelligence article for later but for now I want to update the article I wrote about the creeping effects of Islamism across Europe and Britain. Many commentors to the original article simply couldn't beleive the the problem is as serious or as pervasive as the linked content would seem to have suggested. For those folks I give you this tidbit from the mornings news perusal.


"Halal meat is being served to pupils in state schools without their knowledge, even if they believe the religious slaughter is cruel.

Parents have reacted furiously after being sent letters telling them their children's school dinners have been all-halal for 'some time'."


Daily Mail, UK

Hat tip to LGF as well.

     No one is objecting to Muslim students being served halal food here but rather to the forced compliance with halal by non-Muslims without even informing them of it.


I for one welcome our new Muslim overlords?



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Comments (Page 1)
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on Dec 19, 2006
I wonder where PETA is in all of this?
on Dec 19, 2006
Don't worry it'll get more PC soon and all meat will be gone in favor of going vegan only.  Of course that will just contribute all the more to global warming thanks to all of the evil livestock that will be out there fartin' up the temperature for the rest of us.
on Dec 19, 2006
I wonder where PETA is in all of this?
Well as much as I dislike PETA I can bet that they are consistant on this one and condemn it. Problem is they condemn so many things that the impact of condemnation has been totally nullified.
on Dec 19, 2006

Well Greywar, here's another titbit, also from the Daily Mail (Front page Dec 9):

I quote: " Religious images have been banished from almost all the Christmas cards on sale in High Street shops. S'hops"

What are the British doing? Being "over-diplomatic" will see the demise of their culture!
on Dec 19, 2006
Infuriating! The disregard for NON MUSLIMS living in the CHRISTIAN COUNTRY! ugh!

We have a hot bed here that is going to boil over one day - it is little wonder the BNP is slowly gaining ground. (I am not a!)

The British people are so shit scared of upsetting anyone who is not white, not Christian not British but are quite content to ferk themselves over!
on Dec 19, 2006

Britain stop being so bloody stupid!!!
on Dec 19, 2006
Why is this a bad thing? It's a waste of time and money to make two or more different meals whilst keeping in line with the cooking guidelines for handling halal/kosher and non-halal/kosher meat in the same kitchen. It's not like kosher tastes particularly different, and if it saves cafeteria staff from buggering around with twice the dishes and twice the workload then why not?

It's almost certain there'll be a few Jews and Muslims in a school anyway. Discrimination is expensive and catering to them special is still not cheap; it's easier just to make all the meat halal.
on Dec 19, 2006
Why is this a bad thing?

Let me count the ways......Is it Kosher? is it Christian? I am not PETA, but I sure as hell dont want to support the brutal slaughter of my "daily bread". Excuse me if I (gag! yes) support PETA in this. I will allow them to do it for their own food. Dont force me to partake of your brutality.
on Dec 19, 2006
Why is this a bad thing? It's a waste of time and money to make two or more different meals whilst keeping in line with the cooking guidelines for handling halal/kosher and non-halal/kosher meat in the same kitchen. It's not like kosher tastes particularly different, and if it saves cafeteria staff from buggering around with twice the dishes and twice the workload then why not?

It's almost certain there'll be a few Jews and Muslims in a school anyway. Discrimination is expensive and catering to them special is still not cheap; it's easier just to make all the meat halal.

hell yes it is wrong.

If you are going to observe the rights of one group you must observe the rights of ALL groups!
on Dec 19, 2006
Why is this a bad thing? It's a waste of time and money to make two or more different meals whilst keeping in line with the cooking guidelines for handling halal/kosher and non-halal/kosher meat in the same kitchen. It's not like kosher tastes particularly different, and if it saves cafeteria staff from buggering around with twice the dishes and twice the workload then why not?


I'm puzzled. I may be remembering incorrectly, but aren't you generally against prayer in schools or teaching intelligent design? Why would you be in favor of favoring Muslims over all other students, when you're against favoring Christians over all students?

The decision to offer only Halal meals is just another in a long line of stupid, PC decisions. And it's shameful
on Dec 20, 2006

Let me count the ways......Is it Kosher? is it Christian? I am not PETA, but I sure as hell dont want to support the brutal slaughter of my "daily bread". Excuse me if I (gag! yes) support PETA in this. I will allow them to do it for their own food. Dont force me to partake of your brutality.

No one has to eat school dinners. If they have problems with the ethics of halal food then I imagine they have problems with the treatment of stock full stop. Must the government be forced to pay the extra and buy only organic vegan produce made with love and care in hippy communes?

Let's be practical here - meat might be murder, but no one's forcing you to eat it. Killing it halal-style is merely yet another torture added to a whole list that stock go through on their way to the school bench. Reject one injustice and you may as well reject them all.

Why would you be in favor of favoring Muslims over all other students, when you're against favoring Christians over all students?

Food is food. I ate halal all last year and I can tell you it doesn't taste much different to regular meat. Certainly I could never tell the difference. In fact a lot of meat in Australia is automatically halal, whether you like it or not. It's just more economically sound to make the necessary cuts and the necessary prayers so you don't miss any potential customers. I wouldn't be surprised if the US, with its high Jewish population, is much the same.

Anyway, I can just imagine a bureaucrat in some education department going, "Why not make everything halal? It'll save money." It seems more likely to me than someone in an education department going "Why not make everything halal? Then the Muslims won't kill us, despite the fact we either already offer special meals for Jewish and Muslim students or are going to have to because we have anti-discrimination legislation in this country."

As for the prayers versus food question: prayers in school take up valuable class time; serving a oh-so-slightly different meal doesn't. Christians also don't need to do anything special to eat halal food, nor is there any reason for it to make them religiously uncomfortable. It's different when you're required to pray to a god you don't believe in.

If you are going to observe the rights of one group you must observe the rights of ALL groups!

So far as I'm aware the government does, when pushed, make the attempt to do so. Have you tried lobbying for whatever special food needs you or your children might have? You might have success in having your/your children's special religious requirements met. I know lots of places these days have vegetarian options.
on Dec 20, 2006
Does it taste different? Why would they bother to buy two different kinds of meat? Why go to the expense when they can just feed one kind to everyone?
on Dec 20, 2006
If you don't like what the schools serve, PACK YOUR OWN DAMNED LUNCH.

I'd agree with that. But the whining parents insist that the government feed everyone, so I can't imagine why they're surprised when the government does that the cheapest way possible.
on Dec 20, 2006
so I can't imagine why they're surprised when the government does that the cheapest way possible.

so they should just accept it and shut up? If the gov insists there is a canteen at schools then they should be fair in the treatment of those unfortunate enough to have to eat in them. Sneaking ideas in under the radar is not nice.
kill me humanely please if you want to eat me.....hahaha
on Dec 20, 2006
If they have problems with the ethics of halal food then I imagine they have problems with the treatment of stock full stop

And you would imagine wrong. Again, you fail to address the issue of why we have to Support a religion, for that is what it is - forced compliance with a religion. Your only feeble come back is that we dont have to eat school food. And this is true, but then it is also true of muslims, is it not? Why are you advocating super citizen status based upon religion?
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