I Love the North West
Published on January 20, 2005 By greywar In Current Events

From YahooNews!

Some folks I am quite happy to leave as civilians where their idiocy will only cost themselves cash and credibility....


     Lets reverse the situation shall we? A crowd of uniformed cadets screaming at a couple of peace protestors and running them off campus under security escort. The ACLU would be on that like stink on shit you bet your ass. The Grey Lady, CNN, CBS, and other MSMs would have their pantied in a wad so tight it would make their voices raise two octaves. This sort of dissent crushing though? Not a fucking peep!

     Question a whole food/feng shui/raelian peace activist wearing a "Che" shirt and swinging a communist flag screaming "We won't stop until The Hammer and Sickle fly over the White House!" and you are subjected to screeds of "This is Brownshirting (I keep typing that as "brownshitting")! The Patriot act is to blame!" But as long as the Left does it it is ok? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot over?

     Come on JU Libs (the two of you who read my stuff anyways)! Defend this. Tell me how it "Supports the troops but not the war." Tell me how it isn't brownshirting. Tell me why the ACLU isn't ballstomping these guys right now the way they would if the situation was reversed. I am dying to hear the rationale.

     Anyone feel like the shouting hysterical mob member would make a better employee than the calm and collected SSG? If you do, please email me at sgt.greywar@gmail.com. I have some business deals for you!

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on Jan 20, 2005
It honestly exhausts me sometimes just to look at the stuff you write. Why dont you just take a little hiatus as far as the politics are concerned?
on Jan 20, 2005
No one is forcing you to read his articles. That's a definite trolling.
on Jan 21, 2005
No one is forcing you to read his articles. That's a definite trolling.

Except I am pretty sure EL is Greywar's wife. (Am I right?)

Come on JU Libs (the two of you who read my stuff anyways)! Defend this. Tell me how it "Supports the troops but not the war."

My response is quite simply--it can't be defended--but I assume you already knew that!
on Jan 21, 2005
Yeah, I am his wife and meant no harm by my statement. And sweetie, if you want to (and actually probably should so I damage your JU "status") you can delete that comment so your faithful readers dont misunderstand me. You know that me and the whole politic thing dont get along well anyhow. Take care.
on Jan 21, 2005

I knew what you meant EL.

Trust me folks it is sort of a compliment when she says things like that. She just hates politics. No need to flame or troll her (she doen't care about points anyways) but I appreciate the thought Brad

on Jan 21, 2005
Perhaps this is a prelude of things to come from the loving pacifists?
on Jan 21, 2005
And its a good thing that I dont care about points, cause he took a bunch : )


I love you : )

on Jan 21, 2005
Anyone feel like the shouting hysterical mob member would make a better employee than the calm and collected SSG? If you do, please email me at sgt.greywar@gmail.com. I have some business deals for you!

I think they'd make a fine rent-a-crowd. If they can get so worked up over some poor guy in a uniform, imagine how excited they'll be if you give them $10. They'd probably even scream for an American Idol! I'd definitely hire them for that over a recruiter any day.

On a more serious note... I can't imagine he'd be surprised at getting booed and having his recruiting material ripped up. He probably expected it, and went in knowing full well that a college is unlikely to make the most fertile ground for recruiting the next generation of soldiers. Especially in a city like Seattle. That's not to say he deserved it; he's probably a good man. But going into a college and trying to recruit during wartime is akin to going into a dark alley when you can hear screams and wet gurgles coming from the darkness. You know what you're getting yourself into.

Screaming hippies recruiting for anti-war causes are just as unwelcome at Army bases after all. It's just army recruiters are more polite about their recruiting methods and so can get inside the traditional domain of the anti-war fanatic - the college.
on Jan 21, 2005

On a more serious note... I can't imagine he'd be surprised at getting booed and having his recruiting material ripped up. He probably expected it, and went in knowing full well that a college is unlikely to make the most fertile ground for recruiting the next generation of soldiers. Especially in a city like Seattle. That's not to say he deserved it; he's probably a good man. But going into a college and trying to recruit during wartime is akin to going into a dark alley when you can hear screams and wet gurgles coming from the darkness. You know what you're getting yourself into.

Ah!  The old, "you know what you are getting into" excuse.  Well done!  So anytime, anyone goes into a liberal Mecca, they should expect violence, beatings, scorn, and riots?  Now that is a great slogan for the left!  Better than loony loopy ludites.

So now, we just call the lefts inability to stage peaceful demonstrations and honest debates, brownshirting, eh?

on Jan 21, 2005
Well, I am getting an education here on JU. I had not heard of "brownshirting" before.
I found this description of that term from Google:

"These are the traits of brownshirts. Brownshirts know they are right. They know their opponents are wrong and regard them as enemies who must be silenced if not exterminated. "

So the term is new to me but certainly not the concept. All over, in every phase of life, we will find people who are absolutely intolerant of other people's opinions and views. How cruel they are in expressing it depends on the values they hold in their hearts.

Some people are not content unless they sow seeds of disunity whereever they go...in their own homes, communities, churches and the world. It is sad when the media presents only one side of a story.

In my opinion, we cannot build either a society, a church or a world community with just liberals or just conservatives. To build community we need to work more than with just those who are like-minded. And community built with only the like-minded is not worth belonging to because it reflects neither what's best inside the human spirit nor the inclusive embrace that the human family is called to give.

But that doesn't come naturally. What does come naturally is the proclivity to huddle together in fear and like-mindedness, barricaded behind locked doors with our own kind and suspicious of all who are not of our mind.

Could prayer help? That is my most effective tool. At least, it doesn't make me want to reach out and hurt anyone.
on Jan 21, 2005
Damn Grey,

You can't consider all us on the left the same as these morons.

I am against the war, this is true. But I think there are a lot of us who put aside our differences with the current administration and actually respect folks like you who go over there.

on Jan 21, 2005

Damn Grey,

You can't consider all us on the left the same as these morons.

I am against the war, this is true. But I think there are a lot of us who put aside our differences with the current administration and actually respect folks like you who go over there.

Thatoneguy, I dont think anyone groups all on the left with those brownshirts.  I dont think that was the reason he posted it either.  However, you cannot correct a problem, if you do not know about it, or ignore it.

It is time that those on the left are asked to do the same thing those on the right have been commanded to do.  Stomp out the brownshirts, whereever they exist.  Either through education, or confrontation. Thye ones in that photo are denying the right of their fellow students to listen to possible career opportunities for no other reason than they refuse to concede that they are not God and dont know everything.

on Jan 21, 2005

I have to say that I truly have no idea what you were trying to say here. I'm not being snide. I am not a liberal nor a conservative. I'm very much an independent. Perhaps it's because I was over 22 years out of the country, but I read it and had not a clue as to what you were saying. Is it possible to be a little clearer? Maybe if you actually said what you had to say instead of giving hints and expecting people to fill in the blanks, I could have understood, but I really understood nothing at all. It was sort of like trying to play tennis with an imaginary ball; I guess someone might have won if he had used his imagination, but only if he really tried.

I am not being facetious. I truly didn't have a clue as to what your point was. Was this some sort of Rorschach test?

on Jan 21, 2005

The ACLU would be on that like stink on shit you bet your ass

i dunno.  the aclu is defending limbaugh's claim of a right to keep medical records relating to his drug usage from being released to the press. if they gotta fight it on a pill-by-pill basis, the entire aclu may be tied up in court for a while.

seriously, i agree attacking the recruiter is deplorable.  

how and why do the actions of a mob attach themselves to me or anyone else who shares that opinion as well as a belief the administration has foolishly put the military in harm's way by invading and occupying iraq?  i doubt youre seriously suggesting one position negates the other.  

on Jan 21, 2005

how and why do the actions of a mob attach themselves to me or anyone else who shares that opinion as well as a belief the administration has foolishly put the military in harm's way by invading and occupying iraq? i doubt youre seriously suggesting one position negates the other.

You forget one thing.  Who is the main audience of this story?

The GIs in Iraq.  So when you and the other sane liberals shout that you support the troops, but not the war, all the troops see are these loony loopy luddites, and think you are hypocrits.  It is not fair, but itis life.

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