The Swiss look like jackholes in this as well...
Published on December 19, 2004 By greywar In Politics

     Here is a little example of the bankruptcy of the European attitude towards "Palestine", a country which by the way does not even exist! A father abducts his 5 kids and takes them to the West Bank claiming "he wants them raised under strict Koranic law" and then offers to ransom them back to their mother for arounf 700,000 dollars. Praise Allah!

     Now you may ask why the Mossad and Swiss Special Forces are not conducting a rescue op at this very instant? Well because the Swiss in lockstep with the rest of Europe say that they can't get involved because the kids have "dual citizenship" both Swiss and Palestinian. Of course the only flaw (glaring) in this argument is that there is no Palestine to be a citizen of.

     Hmmm makes you wonder why Americans are reluctant to seek the approval of nations who are so mentally constipated and who live in such politically neutral muck that they can't figure out how to take a stand even to protect their own children!

Read the whole article here.

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Comments (Page 2)
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on Dec 20, 2004
law enforcement is not something Sweden can do in palestine. Likewise, sending in armed troops is not going to get those children back safely. It's not like the US has a better record in getting abductees returned. Demonising Sweden or Europe for something that is a world problem is not helpful. Try reading this link on the US state department's success rate.


on Dec 20, 2004

law enforcement is not something Sweden can do in palestine. Likewise, sending in armed troops is not going to get those children back safely. It's not like the US has a better record in getting abductees returned. Demonising Sweden or Europe for something that is a world problem is not helpful. Try reading this link on the US state department's success rate.

I tink that plays into greywar's other issue.  And that is we treat Muslims with kid gloves not reserved for any other denomination.  After all, we managed to re-patriate Elian Gonzalez without much trouble (if you consider armed troops not much trouble).

on Dec 20, 2004

law enforcement is not something Sweden can do in palestine.

It is certainly something they can request that Israel do for them. Israel's record for this sort of thing is pretty damn good too:)

on Dec 20, 2004
what do you think the outcry would be if Israel did try to grab the children and one of them was killed? If you look at my last post you will see that I flag a link showing many similar cases of US kids taken abroard where the US does not resort to military action. Why do you expect Sweden to act different from the US. Why are you more critical of them than the US?

on Dec 20, 2004

Why do you expect Sweden to act different from the US. Why are you more critical of them than the US?

I am just as critical in these situations, the US record of inaction in hostage siuations is worse than it's record of actions. If MY child was taken like this I sure as hell would rather risk the Mossad going in to rescue her than leave her in the hands of people who behave like this.

on Dec 20, 2004

here is my thoughts as I said before I will say it again the man all what he wants is Money ,come on the man already was living already in Sweden and married a woman from there and then suddenly he released it isnot an islamic country!!!

Muslims don't need any one to anyone to police them,because they are already live in police countries do you know that Internet is limited in Tunisia ,it is not available like the rest of the world for security reasons!!!

and if 5 saudis were gathered and talked about anything the 5th person is from the Secret service!!

in the past they were already Muslim powers ,why?? simply because old muslims were much opened minded ,had freedom and more important they understood well and worked with their Holy Koran
an example and it is associated with the incident of this man ,as I have read that this man wanted his daughter to marry from his relative ,if he understood the Koran very well ,he would knew that the approval of the woman or the girl in the marriage is basic part in it ,without the Marriage will be illegal ,no marriage at all,and here it means the complete approval by her ownself,approval of 100% by heart and mind ,not by force ,not by her father approval ,not by anyone ,
this is a Koranic rule ,some muslims don't work with it , a neglected rule that preserves the woman's right,this means nothing wrong in the Islam or most muslims yet there is something wrong with some muslims and this happens in every religion

Law enforcement in Palestine won't be fulfilled by Iseral or anyone else except the by the palestinians themselves ,this is what logic says fix the political system in Palestine , make a democractic system there not like the corrupted Palestinian authority and you will have a law enforcement there
on Dec 20, 2004

Some good points ziein and...

and if 5 saudis were gathered and talked about anything the 5th person is from the Secret service!!



on Dec 20, 2004
I understand the desire to see immediate action. It is an awful situation and one that I would be much happier if some action could be taken on. I'm glad to hear that you also disapprove of similar US inaction and no longer consider it,

This is exactly the sort of attitude that pervades the UN and Old Europe

It's an international problem affects many countries and we all need to find better ways to deal with it.

Any case of parents fighting over their children is awful. This case is particularly bad as it looks very much like the father doesn't even care for them. I hope that the new Palestinian authority can act on this case and applaud people for trying to bring it to wider attention. But people need to accept that it is an individual involved and not a reflection on muslims or their beliefs.

on Dec 20, 2004

hope that the new Palestinian authority can act on this case

I "hope" they can too but I am pretty damn sure that they wont. The Palestinian authority has been anything but an authority in the past and I don't see that changing. The problem I am highlighting here is part of a much larger trend that I have documented in tons of articles and that is the rrfusal of the Muslim community to police itself. Tack on to that a strong condemnation of the sort of inactive eunuch politicking that has plagued Europe and the UN for the last 30 years. I should have made these points more clearly in the post. My apologies.

on Dec 23, 2004
I would just like to point out that a central core of Islam is peace and tolerance of other religions. Therefore, I must point out that these absolute bags of slime are not Islam. I beg of you not to judge all of us by those who don't even practice our religion.
on Dec 23, 2004

Reply #26 By: liberalwithbackbone - 12/23/2004 3:57:54 PM
I would just like to point out that a central core of Islam is peace and tolerance of other religions. Therefore, I must point out that these absolute bags of slime are not Islam. I beg of you not to judge all of us by those who don't even practice our religion.

They practice your religion. Just a VERY twisted form of it! And let me assure you that we don't hate all muslims! I just hate the radical ones.
on Dec 23, 2004
There is one billion muslims in this world ,deal with it ,

One billion Muslims and yet so much silence concerning the atrocities the "non-Muslim" terrorists commit.
on Dec 23, 2004
Reply #26 By: liberalwithbackbone - 12/23/2004 3:57:54 PM
I would just like to point out that a central core of Islam is peace and tolerance of other religions.

How do you reconcile that with the Quran? Some quotes from the Quran:

"Take them and kill them wherever ye find them. Against such We have given you clear warrant." 4:91
"Slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush." 9:5
"Strive against the disbelievers and the hypocrites! Be harsh with them. Their ultimate abode is hell, a hapless journey's end." 9:73
"Take not the Jews and the Christians for friends. ... He among you who taketh them for friends is (one) of them." 5:51

Doesn't seem very peaceful or tolerant to me. The acts of Al Queda, Hamas and other terrorist groups seem perfectly in sync with the fundamental teachings of the Quran.

If anyone wants to read other quotes from the Quran regarding tolerance, please visit
on Dec 25, 2004
I am a muslim, and I am not quite sure those quotes are from the Qu'ran. However, I'll have to go dig it out from the depths of the book case to verify it. Please remmember that all the monotheistic religions have quotes such as that. We have proof from the Crusades that the christians have gone on holy wars, in which there was much rape, pillage, and slaughter. We have proof from Al Quaeda that today's muslim zealots are willing to give their lives to slaughter thousands for no apparent reason.

Coming down to it, don't defend christianity from the fact that its extremists HAVE gone on crusades, as I wont defend Islam from the fact that its extremists currently ARE going on jihads.
on Dec 25, 2004
Coming down to it, don't defend christianity from the fact that its extremists HAVE gone on crusades, as I wont defend Islam from the fact that its extremists currently ARE going on jihads.

Agreed. But then when was the last crusade, vs the last Jihad?
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