Published on December 19, 2004 By greywar In Blogging


      There has been a recent spate of fake blogging by piesnpies, anti-stalk, and fiksated. These are all the same person blogging under different names. While it is pretty apparent that they are mentally deranged simply from their article "content" they are also indulging in a bit of decption by occasionally pretending to be different people as demonstrated here. Proof that they are the same person? Here, here, and here. Hell if it weren't for the articles UK slant I would have thought they were all products of Tracy Givens deluded brain!

     My point? Well I don't mind people blogging here under different names (hey give all the schizoid personalities free reign I say!) but I think that the attempt to drum up interest in lame articles by pretending to be other people who are supporting your position is disingenous at best and retarded at worst. Certainly deserves a bit of time-out in my opinion and perhaps even a small entry into the TOS? Maybe just a large trolling?

     What do you think of this sort of JU abuse?

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on Dec 20, 2004
Okay, I had a look at SPM's site. It is nothing but hate-fuelled drivel perpetuated by a classic English pratt. Any one who has seen any Monty Python would recognise this jerk. He is a classic English twit, totally devoid of anything approximating compassion, tolerance or diplomacy. If he is an example of 'the other half', I will happily wear the peasant badge.
on Dec 20, 2004

He is a classic English twit

I loved the Twit Olympics sketch

on Dec 21, 2004
Yes, a brilliant piece of comedy. It is a pity Michael Palin didn't have his way when he said all twits should not be allowed to breed and if they do, the most humane thing one could do was to put them down immediately.
on Dec 21, 2004
"...retire my blog next month?"

Sent back to prison for violating a parole agreement you mean.
on Dec 21, 2004
Will this "retirement" of Little Whip's blog be permanent, or will she be back online spewing out more hate filled articles after she gets out of prison?
on Dec 21, 2004

Will this "retirement" of Little Whip's blog be permanent

And this would matter to an anonymous (exiled) poster how? oh wait I forgot about this bizarre obsession you have.

on Dec 21, 2004
"Will this "retirement" of Little Whip's blog be permanent..."

With good behaviour the retirement could be half the time the judge sentenced.
on Dec 21, 2004

I stumble across so many assinine replies accidently while trying to read the sane comments.

We have requested an "ignore" feature like this for some time and I beleive they are working to incorporate it into the "deluxe" JU when the site lauches it's commercial section. I will say that I did specifically say that I would allow these guys to comment in this thread, but only this thread so thats why I have not been using the "delete" key.

on Dec 21, 2004
I hope the Rasputin gets put back in a cage where she belongs, and I hope the snitch jacket fits well and keeps her nice and warm at nights.
on Dec 21, 2004

I hope the Rasputin gets put back in a cage where she belongs, and I hope the snitch jacket fits well and keeps her nice and warm at nights.

ah a stand-by login... very pedestrian. Wouldn't post off of it too often if you are one of SPM exiled cronies though. I don't think Draginol would put up with it.

on Dec 21, 2004
How cosmopolitan... you know how to use the reply feature.
on Dec 21, 2004

How cosmopolitan... you know how to use the reply feature.

sure do:) also am pretty familiar with the trolling button and the blacklist feature:)

on Jan 17, 2005
Is Joe User all about 'Draginol' and his/her - what a dweeb - circle of friends? greywar - eh? - wanker. iamheather - i may have seen your picture before and it nearly crashed my machine. All I can say is I'm Canadian and you lot are Americans - it shows. Deranged - you don't have the mind to be, so dream on dummies!

Whinge, whinge, whinge. Do you lot have nothing better to do other than constantly complain about other people and their opinions. Hey, maybe you're all crooks? Your dislike of stalking suggests you're all into gang stalking. Ooops..I said something wrong! Are you offended or just retarded? Your backward ideas are irrelevant and I suppose that is why they feature here in the land of crap. Happy blogging, morons.
on Jan 17, 2005
Are you a multi rapist or a woman hater? Do you think a woman should be abused and stalked?
You should look at multistalker victims site. Why shouldn't victims try to get their voice heard however it is done? Should victims be stamped on and driven to suicide because of grossly evil minded people like you refusing them space to air their views, as much as possible.? the person in the site has proved they are in the right, they have a court order to prove it. So presumably you may think they are mental but the court didn't. You don't have a right to put them down.
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