Published on December 19, 2004 By greywar In Blogging


      There has been a recent spate of fake blogging by piesnpies, anti-stalk, and fiksated. These are all the same person blogging under different names. While it is pretty apparent that they are mentally deranged simply from their article "content" they are also indulging in a bit of decption by occasionally pretending to be different people as demonstrated here. Proof that they are the same person? Here, here, and here. Hell if it weren't for the articles UK slant I would have thought they were all products of Tracy Givens deluded brain!

     My point? Well I don't mind people blogging here under different names (hey give all the schizoid personalities free reign I say!) but I think that the attempt to drum up interest in lame articles by pretending to be other people who are supporting your position is disingenous at best and retarded at worst. Certainly deserves a bit of time-out in my opinion and perhaps even a small entry into the TOS? Maybe just a large trolling?

     What do you think of this sort of JU abuse?

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on Dec 20, 2004
"ah yes, that would be why you have an Alexa rank of 377,000th (approx) and JU is in the 17,000? Maybe you meant "pop" or "ejaculation" of visitors as oppsed to "explosion"."

I do not recognise those figures, they are false, I will happily provide figures to disprove what this site says. Peasants will say anything to discredit greatness.
on Dec 20, 2004
Yes and I am sure that you and david have drawn a lot of people to your site with your eloquent and thoughtful responses. Comment all you like on this trolling topic but be assured that if you troll any other threads I will simply delete you:)
on Dec 20, 2004

Hmmmm....I must be dull.  Neither St. Hubbins or Snackwell have trashed me yet.  Even Mano got a slap from them! 

on Dec 20, 2004
Quote what figures you will, the fact remains that this site runs at a loss and Brad Wardell is a terrible businessman for letting leeches suck on his weak entrepreneurial abilities. He should take a masterclass from the great corporate raider Sir Peter Maxwell.

Quite frankly, from the comments I receive about the site it is far more entertaining than scores of blogs about American housewives taking their children to school, baking cakes etc.
on Dec 20, 2004
"Yes and I am sure that you and david have drawn a lot of people to your site with your eloquent and thoughtful responses."

The forums are in fact seperate from, perhaps you should actually read the site before you judge it!
on Dec 20, 2004

The forums are in fact seperate from, perhaps you should actually read the site before you judge it!

I was talking about Davey's and your own responses on this very thread. Thanks for helping me prove a point!

on Dec 20, 2004
We are not recruiting here, why would we care about the opinions of a bunch of degenerate, insolvent peasants?
on Dec 20, 2004

We are not recruiting here, why would we care about the opinions of a bunch of degenerate, insolvent peasants?

umm to prop up an otherwise deserted site of your own after being summarily tossed out from here? Yep, that would be it.

on Dec 20, 2004
You are a fool if you believe that to be the case, but then again you fit the bill dear boy.

You are American, poor, a peasant and a JoeUser. All of the ingredients of an idiot. You are not wealthy enough to speak with me. Why do peasants think their opinions matter to a man such as myself?! You are worthless to me, having to swarm around a new money peasant like Brad Wardell for a sense of belonging.
on Dec 20, 2004

You are not wealthy enough to speak with me.

Funny you are the one who has come a begging for attention here on my page, not me to yours... hmmm....

on Dec 20, 2004
Even Mano got a slap from them!

They hate me ..... but that's OK. All my life the forces of evil hated me... I'd start to worry if things were different.
on Dec 20, 2004

They hate me

Right on, take it as a good thing:)

on Dec 20, 2004
Right on, take it as a good thing:)

Oh believe me, I DO!
on Dec 20, 2004
quit posting the address to your lame little site on my blogs and i might believe you.

That would make you a Satanist if you start believing it...
on Dec 20, 2004
Merry Christmas Grey
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