You Will Never Understand
Published on October 16, 2004 By greywar In Current Events
I love Minnesota

         I love Minnesota. Let me make that clear. I long for the smell of cold. I crave that silence after a blizzard when the world stops and takes note of the snow-hare. I adore the tracks a hound makes when it trails that same hare. I melt inside to remember the trusting gaze of a doe who knows I hold neither malice nor firearm.

         Those who were not raised in the North might think me crazed but I love Winter.  I enjoy the feeling of being tested every day for my fitness as a scion of the human race.

         I desire that feeling in the morning when you awake in the perimeter of melted snow created solely by your own body heat and ingenuity. I love the evening call of the timber wolf as he looks for the sustenance only made available thorough the sacrifice of the less worthy.

         Even my daughter knows the call that only the deep cold can make. The impulse to warmth that only long exposure to near killing frost can inculcate.

         I love Minnesota. It remains my home.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 16, 2004
Beautifully written. I have never experienced a Minnesota winter, but it sounds wonderful. I miss the changing seasons.
on Oct 16, 2004
Very nice description and imagery! I like the feeling that it evokes and obviously represents.
on Oct 17, 2004

Very nice description and imagery! I like the feeling that it evokes and obviously represents.

Thank you, I feel that this is one of the most direct articles I have ever written.

on Oct 17, 2004
grey...are you away from Minnesota?

We just moved from the Fargo-Moorhead area to Las Vegas you might well expect, we absolutely hate it.

When I get up every morning I check out what's going on in MN on

I miss this time of year...its my FAVORITE in Minnesota. I love how the air turns from heavy to crisp, the smell of the fallen leaves, the freshness and promise of a fall rain...
on Oct 17, 2004
BBBRRRRRR..........(shiver) very cold............
on Oct 17, 2004

grey...are you away from Minnesota?

Yes I am in Texas now, it was a conversation on the phone with my daughter that prompted the article I am also planning a move to Arizona soon which I am told is quite lovely but I am sure I will need to adjust some more.

on Oct 17, 2004
It's not so bad... it's a dry heat. heh.
I could run 3 miles there and be dry afterwards. And you've seen me at PT here.
on Oct 17, 2004

I could run 3 miles there and be dry afterwards. And you've seen me at PT here.

Having trouble imagining it.

on Oct 17, 2004
You didn't get your love of the cold from your mama. But I was amazed and joyed by your poetic expressions. Glad you talked to K. I also called her yesterday. She is so mature for her age.
on Oct 17, 2004

your poetic expressions

If I could only stay mildly inebriated all the time I might improve my writing! Hard to walk that fine line though...

on Oct 17, 2004
Hard to walk that fine line though...

So, what exactly happens when you hit the auto pilot and you're already at home?
on Oct 17, 2004
I have never experienced a Minnesota winter, but it sounds wonderful

Don't be sucked in by the pretty words! It's a trap, I tell you!

on Oct 17, 2004
I could run 3 miles there and be dry afterwards.

Yes, and if it's huachuca, you'd have the dry heaves too, what with the no oxygen altitude. Everytime I ran there for the first month I was gasping like a fish. BTW WTF? Leaving our happy ft. hood family? How the hell did you manage that, you lucky bastard?
on Oct 17, 2004
Oh, he'll be leaving soon. And by "soon," he means "never."

(Actually, I think he meant "soon," as in comparison to how long he has already been at the unit.) (And by "at the unit," I mean...)
on Oct 17, 2004

what exactly happens when you hit the auto pilot and you're already at home?

I just go to bed. Or swan dive from apartment balconies

Pseudo has it dead on... I am so desensitized at this point that a year or more from now qualifies as "soon".

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