You Will Never Understand
Published on October 16, 2004 By greywar In Current Events
I love Minnesota

         I love Minnesota. Let me make that clear. I long for the smell of cold. I crave that silence after a blizzard when the world stops and takes note of the snow-hare. I adore the tracks a hound makes when it trails that same hare. I melt inside to remember the trusting gaze of a doe who knows I hold neither malice nor firearm.

         Those who were not raised in the North might think me crazed but I love Winter.  I enjoy the feeling of being tested every day for my fitness as a scion of the human race.

         I desire that feeling in the morning when you awake in the perimeter of melted snow created solely by your own body heat and ingenuity. I love the evening call of the timber wolf as he looks for the sustenance only made available thorough the sacrifice of the less worthy.

         Even my daughter knows the call that only the deep cold can make. The impulse to warmth that only long exposure to near killing frost can inculcate.

         I love Minnesota. It remains my home.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 17, 2004
And by "desensitized," he means... [insert joke here]

(And by "insert joke here," I mean "Hot Chow!")
on Oct 17, 2004

Hot Chow earns the Insightful!

on Oct 17, 2004
What is this "snow" that you speak of?
on Oct 17, 2004

What is this "snow" that you speak of?

It is the stuff you write your name in.

on Oct 17, 2004
Hot Chow earns the Insightful!

How about "Hot Lunch"?
on Oct 17, 2004

How about "Hot Lunch"?

That actually where the joke came from... There is a guy inour unit who loves to say Hot Chow! for almost everything. Everytime he does it I just think Hot Lunch which makes me chuckle.

on Oct 17, 2004
That actually where the joke came from... There is a guy inour unit who loves to say Hot Chow! for almost everything. Everytime he does it I just think Hot Lunch which makes me chuckle.

Very nice!
on Oct 17, 2004
And by "Very nice," you mean, "What a freak?" He also, when asked how he is, replies, "Golden... not unlike a shower."

Now our entrie ELINT section says that. (And you think WE are disturbed? I'm going sane in a mad world! Saddle up, space ponies! We're making gravy... without the lumps!)
on Oct 18, 2004
Even my daughter knows the call that only the deep cold can make.

Yeah she just loves it when I make her put on her snowsuit to take down the garbage....she goes into total teenager mode then, rolling her eyes and groaning. I just can't wait for the real teen years. And yes, she'll still be taking down the garbage then too.

Minnesota is nice, but I'm definately more of a summer person. Ice fishing? Only bearable with massive quantities of alcohol. Snowmobiling? Eh...again, barhopping. No wonder Minnesotans like their whickey!

You remember the time you went to some training in January when stationed out in MD? That "Blizzard of '94" or was it '95? And I went home to Minnesota to visit while you were away. And your kind squad leader called our apartment to see if I was OK and to ask if I needed someone to dig us out. It was ironic because I checked our messages from Oleteach's apt. At the time we had just got what seemed like 6 feet of snow. And in fact couldn't leave the apartment because the snow had drifted such so the doors wouldn't open. So I wanted to give him a call back and say, "YES! We need someone to dig us out!"

I could go on, but this comment is already too long. I'll just say this: I think some people are hard wired for the cold weather. And some are not.

on Oct 18, 2004
I admit you are very poetic in your reminicing......but you are a psycho! Cold sucks.

I grew up in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and I hated the below zero weather and the 10 feet of snow. I agree with Xtine that some people are hard wired for cold weather and some are not......but I still suspect that you are insane...
on Oct 18, 2004
I think some people are hard wired for the cold weather.

I recall that there was a study that the army did some time ago, where they did a big psychological test on a bunch of people to determine what factors figured in to whether people did well in a cold climate or not. They asked something like a couple hundred questions for a big sample (probably 1000 or so). Then they cross-referenced the answers to evaluations of those people in the field. (I guess that's a big advantage of having thousands of people that you can force to do stuff for you.... )
Out of all their questions, there was exactly ONE question that had a positive, significant correlation between its answer and a person's cold-weather performance.
And that question was: "Do you prefer colder weather?"
on Oct 18, 2004
Minnesota is awesome.
on Oct 18, 2004
It was pretty up there. But it was cold for the summertime. Too cold. 50 degress in July is too much for me. I think I have already said this before, but I am never ever living up there. Trust me, you will like it in Arizona. Its pretty, it snows there, too. Its not hard to breathe once you get used to it and actually its easier to run in the higher altitude (I think).
on Oct 18, 2004

but I still suspect that you are insane...

Not the first time someone has said that.

actually its easier to run in the higher altitude (I think).

There will be no running in Arizona for me Now who's insane?

50 degress in July

It was not 50 degrees....

Minnesota is awesome.

Amen. Now if only I can find some job that pays too much to possibly turn down I can slowly change the Lass's mind.

on Oct 18, 2004
In July the average high temperature climbs to the upper 70s in northern Minnesota and the lower 80s in the south. It can still be chilly along the shores of Lake Superior.


I would probably die in Arizona. I thought southern Missouri was too hot.
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