There is no edification in performing badly
Published on July 15, 2004 By greywar In Misc

Had a fairly shitty morning today (smoked myself every 12 hours this week....then had a surprise PT test... you know even when it is not for the record doing poorly bums me out.... even when I have an excuse) but it was all better because KLFX played Pantera's Walk on the way home. BTW Walk was RVD's theme back in his ECW days.... He should have stuck with it.


P.S. I appreciate SGT New-age Hippie's attempts to cheer me up this morning... I was just being a sulky bitch... I really do appreciate the thought

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 15, 2004
Draft card? Are you fucking retarded? How about reading the rest of my fucking blog before running that cockholster?
on Jul 15, 2004
Well, I'm out of trolling marks for the day.

How'd he know about your collection of shirts?

Rest assured that he doesn't know you in the slightest, grey, for he'd know that the Army would take quite a loss in your running to Canada. (Odd that he brought that up, with that article sitting on your desktop at work...)
on Jul 15, 2004
People like voodoo irrtate me more the the left most of leftys..... as assclowns like him give even mild conservatives a bad name. I should have simply ignored and BL'd him but I could not help myself.
on Jul 15, 2004
Apparently Grey, you have no sense of humour, other than what you got in the Army. Draft card is an "old timer " reference. I do think I may be a little retarded, though, I should get that looked at. I don't remember the Navy letting 'tards operate a nuclear (the "s" is silent, dummy) vessels, though I could be wrong. Does it really chafe your little ass to be chastised for doing something your readily volunteered for? I'm sorry. You must have been one of the poor unfortunate ones who just couldn't survive without joining the evil military machine. As for you soldier, you are definitely diong justice to your moniker, pseudo.
on Jul 15, 2004

Does it really chafe your little ass to be chastised for doing something your readily volunteered for?

Where was I chastised you non-article-reading smeghead? Can you *fucking* read? Pull your head out of your ass.

on Jul 15, 2004
Grey, when you choose to do something, you do it. Period. There is no room for complaints. Stupid stuff like that will get people hurt. I get disheartened when I hear half hearted service members. It's still volunteer, and it's all your fault. Stand up tall and deal with it. It's only temporary.
on Jul 15, 2004
Can I use "smeghead"? I think it's really catchy!!
on Jul 15, 2004

Stand up tall and deal with it. It's only temporary.

I am dealing with it. Next time read the fucking article! H Christ I am *so* glad you are out of the military. Frankly I bet your crewmates are too. How did you survive in the Navy without the ability to read a 8 line article? (that counts *all* the lines including title and byline!)

on Jul 15, 2004

Can I use "smeghead"? I think it's really catchy!!

It is from Red Dwarf so use it all you like. Rimmer.

on Jul 15, 2004
All I could discern from the legible "8 lines" was a whiner. Am I wrong? And if so, how? I'm not trying to egg you grey, really, but that was the way you wrote the article. Truthfully, I'm not intentionally harrassing you, I just might have missed the point of your story. No hostility intended.
on Jul 15, 2004
And they were called "shipmates". Queer isn't it?
on Jul 15, 2004


That was the most appropriate use of that word.  Well done!

Voodoo, perhaps you should read and engage brain before opening mouth.  The point of Grey's article is that....oh, never mind. 

I still have trolling uses left.....

on Jul 15, 2004
Upon more reflection, I'm sure I am retarded, so don't make fun of me!!!
on Jul 15, 2004
What is "Red Dwarf", other than a star's state? Real question.
on Jul 15, 2004

Upon more reflection, I'm sure I am retarded, so don't make fun of me!!!


this all could have been circumvented by you simply acknowledging that you didn't bother to read anything. Instead it devolved intot his.. well fuck it...


[Gloves off]

I know it is hard to pay attention to little things like words on a  blog with that massive trucker cock in your ass but whenever he gets done with you let me know. (I have an acquaintance who would probably be interested in defiling you as well.) ]

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