If you want to read a day by day account of one soldiers ongoing deployment to Iraq please stop by Talisein's blog and give it a read. Yeah there are tons of spelling errors but hey, that gives it character!
Some small samples :
5 Jul 04
Heat exhastion now has a very palpable meaning to me. I drank 10 1.5 liter water bottles today. I have not gone to the bathroom. Wow.
02 Jul 04
SFC Calangelo called yesterday's operation an abortion, which I thought was an apt assessment. Today we just PMCS'd our trucks and changed a tire until lunch, did some training. It was hot.
So we chilled in the tent and eventually passed out, skipping dinner. The end.
Tal is a wierd fucker but a fine american nonetheless. Just go read it! And leave him some comments by way of support!