Put your money where your mouth is or pay the piper!
Published on May 27, 2004 By greywar In Politics

     I frequently find myself being told either by individuals in conversation or informed by the media that most violent acts or unpleasant things in life are the action of the "vocal minority" or "extremist groups" who do not represent the "silent majority". This tired old saw is trotted out for everything from the reasons why the Democratic party is being hijacked by the left, the excuse for Islamic terror groups, to why Americans are fat bastards. Frankly I am tired of it. I will allow it has *some* uses within your own social groups. For instance when democrats talk amongst themselves about their party then by all means use the argument as an incentive to incite action. When you are talking to non-party members and use it as an explanation of why some recent statement was made or whathaveyou it loses it's impact. Police up your own chosen social group or get lumped in with them.

     Recently Muggaz wrote an article depicting a possible future terror attack by U.S. based extremist groups. In the comments another analogy was drawn using the KKK as an example group. This perfectly illustrates my point. The reason that I don't buy into the agument is that the US doesn't *let* it's extremist groups run rampant on others nations soil! We keep the KKK here and well under wraps. They do not bomb Africa or target "jew-lovers" globally. As soon as white folks got tired of being associated with these psychopaths we as a society crushed them out to avoid the possible repercussions of allowing them to continue unabated. Enlightened self-interest. We as a society decided long ago that we keep our problems solved within our own borders. Our Christian fundamentalists are not out there flying passenger jets into Muslim owned skyscapers. None of these things happen. Yet the Muslim world seems to think that they get a pass by having someone giving a CNN interview condeming each recent terror act. Lip service is easy, actual action is difficult.

     You folks get no more passes from me. If you are *truly* the "silent opposition" and not the "non-active supporters" or teror hows about actually moving your dead asses and stopping your own fucking neighbors? Take an example from Abu Ghraib, when that miserable bunch of fucking retards were exposed as shit-floaters in the US gene pool, we stepped on them! There were no parades on the "American Street" like we see from your side of the house. When we find a nest of domestic vipers in our national house they get squashed and fast. We don't wait for you to deal with our problems, so why would you think our patience with you would be infinite?

     If someone who lives in your apartemnt as your roommate is pissing off your neighbors it will become incumbent upon *you* the person nearest them to reign them in. If you don't, guess what? Eventually you will pay the price right alongside them. This is the lesson we learned long ago. As an older civilization it is amazing to me that the Arab world has not learned this. Or perhaps they know it quite well and simply have no desire to flush out the vipers from their ranks? Something to think about. *Before* you get the eviction notice that your buddy earned you.

     note: these were just easy targets for the venting of spleeange. the argument easily applies to right wing or any other brand of "extremists" who are tolerated or tacitly encouraged by the "silent majority".

Comments (Page 3)
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on May 28, 2004
Do I believe we should kowtow to the terrorists demands? No. It's not that simple.

You advocated giving in to bin Laden's demands in your post.

In a recent poll guess what 70% of Europeans viewed as the biggest threat to world peace?

I like how you characterize American public opinion as useless and European public opinion as insightful.

500,000 lives lost during the Iraqi embargo.

I'm pretty sure this isn't accurate. Also, doesn't Saddam bear the primary responsibility for deaths due to the embargo?

on May 29, 2004
Also, doesn't Saddam bear the primary responsibility for deaths due to the embargo?

Sure he does. But I really doubt that matters to the people who are looking for motivation speeches to recruit new mass murderers.
I think David had a really good post. It seems fairly obvious that re-locating the Israeli state to Florida would be a small price to pay, would create huge peace dividends, and wouldn't really make much of a difference in Ft. Lauterdale. (and Dirtwater, FL could use the help, frankly). Besides, Israel where it is faces a growing problem, namely that the Philistines who want to live in the same land are reproducing at a much higher rate than are the Israelis. The Israeli position there is becoming more untenable every day. Not that they couldn't still kick a bunch of Arab ass in 6 days, of course... But who wants to live with that sort of stress?
on May 30, 2004

Impressive read.
on May 30, 2004
St. hubbins - Whenever you feel the need to write a page and a half as a reply to something squelch it. Post your own counter article and link to it. I warned you about this business on my blog once before and had only recently taken you *off* of my blacklist for doing this same shit. I do not care if you want to disagree, thats fine but these are *comments* not your blog. Learn the difference. Enjoy another couple of weeks of my netiquette blacklist.
on May 30, 2004
Do the long comments eat up your alloted storage space?
on May 30, 2004

Do the long comments eat up your alloted storage space?

No, but they do annoy and bore the crap out of me, hell the original article wasn't that frigging long! I warned that guy before. Additionally he annoyed me by saying he was leaving for good only to renege and come back about a week later. Way to show your level of committment.

on May 30, 2004

Some people like to latch on to popular blogs to push their own agenda that is often only tangentially related to the original article.

Understanding ones enemies isn't necessarily a bad thing. But it shouldn't have too much to do with what you end up doing about it.  When the KKK lynches some poor black guy for whistling at a white woman we don't suddenly believe that that the fault somehow was with the victim for not being "understanding" about the local cultures. And we rightfully feel shame and outrage when we hear that such incidents used to happen in some parts of the United States and that the perpetrators got away with it regularly.

There is a..tendancy by some people who live such easy lives that they cannot imagine anything worse than the United States. When someone clucks out about how Europeans see the US as the greatest threat to the world, one can only feel thankful that they live in such an insulated environment as to be totally detached from the real dangers and horrors that lurk beyond their pampered lives (and ironically will claim, without a hint of irony, at how ignorant Americans are about the rest of the world).

There is nothing noble about Al Qaeda and their ilk. Those who have bothered to actually research these terrorist groups have consistenly found the same thing. They're just a bunch of bigoted, murderous hate mongers that share far more in common with the KKK or the SS than some imagined rebel against the excesses of westernization. 

The difference between the Columbine murderers and Al Qaeda has more to do with the location of their birth than any other factor.  Not all cultures or ideaologies are equal. Some are hateful, disgusting, and evil (and I say evil despite being an atheist) and deserve to be in the trash heap of history. 

on May 30, 2004
When the KKK lynches some poor black guy for whistling at a white woman we don't suddenly believe that that the fault somehow was with the victim for not being "understanding" about the local cultures.

I love it. Your idiocy is unsurpassed. You have the dullest mind of any contributer this side of Marvin Cooley. You make greywar look like George Will. THIS ANALOGY IS DISGUSTING. You are blind and irresponsible, because you think 'loving your country' is more important than 'knowing your country'. If this is the case, you are just a pawn on the board, a mere nationalist no-nothing who runs around with your self-righteous, red-white-and-blue 'values' but never realizes how fake they are. The U.S. is not that innocent black victim whose only crime is 'whistling at a white woman'. We are the most powerful nation in the world, and we haven't done right by the middle east.

There is a..tendancy by some people who live such easy lives that they cannot imagine anything worse than the United States. When someone clucks out about how Europeans see the US as the greatest threat to the world, one can only feel thankful that they live in such an insulated environment as to be totally detached from the real dangers and horrors that lurk beyond their pampered lives (and ironically will claim, without a hint of irony, at how ignorant Americans are about the rest of the world).

Europeans are pampered and Americans are not? Puh-leeez! It doesn't take an intelligent, experienced, and politically savy American to see that the invasion of Iraq was a far more despicable and horrible crime against humanity than the precise and confined assault upon the a couple of our buildings, offices and airliners. Never mind which came first or whether the later was purportedly a response to the former. Never mind the concocted lies about Saddam's impending threat to humanity. We were responsible for leading the world against terrorism, and we failed. More specifically, Bush failed. That is what makes the United States under Bush the most dangerous force in the world. A terrorist act is one thing. A hasty and poorly executed invasion of an ethnically fragmented country with which we have no business is a travesty on a completely different level.

Not all cultures or ideaologies are equal.

Okay, so why don't you tell me which cultures are good and which are not so good. Let's do this by nation. Since they are so unequal, it shouldn't be hard to rank the good and the evil cultures here. You're not just judging the governments or the particular extremist sects, I want you to look at the souls of the people and tell me whose are cleaner.


on May 30, 2004
So, when are you going over, or have you already? We, the Americans, in particular the people of the U.S A., a country founded on Judeo-Christian principals, which says it all as far as how clean our souls are, try our best to play fair and square with the nations of the world. We have been dealing with racial problems in our own borders for some time, and things are working out alright. The doors of opportunity are wide open for every one of our citezens, and that fact is key in us getting along. In our international dealings we work with the governments that we feel best represent the people therein. This is not an easy 'game' (if you will) to play. However, in our desire to be open with everyone, we until recently have kept our borders quite open. Our schools, our way of governing, our goodwill to all has been easily attained. I will remind you that we are a government for the people, by the people, and of the people. The enemies of 'our' government are neither elected nor substantiated by any means other than misleading hatred and murderous acts on their own to silence the voice of reason that cries out to all. Happy Memorial Day, and to all a good night.
on May 31, 2004
a country founded on Judeo-Christian principals, which says it all as far as how clean our souls are

assuming thats a true statement (a dubious assumption), countries that are founded on other than judeo-christian principles are somehow inferior by comparison?
on May 31, 2004
Saint Ying: You know what's really idiotic? Name-calling the owner of the site. Takes a pretty "dull mind" to keep doing that.
on May 31, 2004
Saint Ying: You know what's really idiotic? Name-calling the owner of the site. Takes a pretty "dull mind" to keep doing that.

Not a dull mine, but a mind of reckless ecstacy with one greatest desire: the perfection of the American spirit through the systematic reduction of the conservative menace, intellectually, spiritually, and through a course of torture and genocide, or until we can extract and eliminate all conservative elements from the burnt hulls of false and diminished humans, the unworthy, they who must bleed eternally in the cages of pain, milked for blood and butchered to feed my cats.
on May 31, 2004

Not a dull mine, but a mind of reckless ecstacy with one greatest desire: the perfection of the American spirit through the systematic reduction of the conservative menace, intellectually, spiritually, and through a course of torture and genocide, or until we can extract and eliminate all conservative elements from the burnt hulls of false and diminished humans, the unworthy, they who must bleed eternally in the cages of pain, milked for blood and butchered to feed my cats.

Typical unecessary wordiness.  Are you trying to stun us all with your pseudo-intellect?  Because you're failing miserably.  Get over yourself.

My apologies, Greywar, for trolling up your thread. 

on May 31, 2004
Saint Ying: Then you might as well give up your quest now. Because you can only carry out your desire on this site as long as the "conservative menace" allows you to do so.
on May 31, 2004
Drahmagrl, if I was interesting in impressing people, I wouldn't need a 'pseudo-intellect'. I am quite familiar with the real thing. But it is imperative that the ignorant and disgraceful be punished for erroneous thinking. If they are not punished and humiliated, they will make the same mistakes over and over again. If they learn that their flawed thinking, demonstrated in analogies such as Draginol's, is not acceptable to discussion, they will decipher the wounds upon their pride as a stern reproach from above, and they will be impelled to reform their ways. Because of the grave and distracting ruckus that he has caused, Draginol will probably never make the mistake of suggesting that the U.S.'s need to understand the diverse problems and threats of the Arab World is as negligable as a black lynching victim's need to understand the hateful racism of his white murderer... (Although the latter statement too is simple-minded. Understanding racism in America has been key to neutralizing it in many corners of society. It is of immense strategic importance. If the word 'understanding' seems too unmanly, we can substitute empiricism or observed knowledge - knowledge is love and power simultaneously, but it never fails the cause of justice.) And if Draginol will never make that mistake again, I have done the message board a great service, cleansing it of one black and sinful notion that will never be heard from again.
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