I wonder if sheepherders in Anatolia ever had to deal with being accused of fearmongering against wolves?
Grey the Shepherd "Hey Bobby! That Wolf is getting real close to your sheep! Looks mighty hungry too!"
Bobby the P.C. Shepherd : "Shut up Grey, you're just rascist against Wolves! Most Wolves don't kill sheep, they just live peacfully in the forest in harmony with nature! I've had enough of your fearmongering ways. Its not enough for you that Moderate Wolves live in peace, you wan them to condemn being a Wolf!"
Grey : "Heck I'd just like to see the Wolves say that killing sheep is wrong and that the Wolves who do should be condemned."
Bobby : "Racism! Fearmonger!"
Grey : "Sigh..."
I suppose linking to this article from The People.uk is also rascist fearmongering but here it is anyways (emphasis mine):
"A FRESH wave of British-born extremist Muslim clerics is whipping up hatred against their own country on the internet.
These men - who dream of seeing the black flag of Islam flying over 10 Downing Street - were filmed spouting vile messages of fanaticism and violence in sermons in mosques and community centres in Britain.
The anti-British or pro-terrorist rants are often mixed in with talks about legitimate Islamic topics.
A young cleric called ABU MUWAHID, who appears frequently in clips, lavishes praise on the 9/11 attackers in a talk about prayer.
He says the "fantastic, fabulous, magnificent - whatever word you prefer, whatever word suits you, but any word of praise - soldiers destroyed the two idols of today." (I prefer the words "dead" and "terrorist"- GW)
He brands Muslims who are not prepared to fight as hypocrites who will go to hell. "They have no intention to conquer...or to bring the black flag over 10 Downing Street," says Muwahid. (I told you Moderates that you are next on their list - GW)
"We do not like non-Muslims. We are required not to like them because they reject Allah and his messengers."
To cheers from his audience, he promises: "One day the black flag of Islam is going to be over 10 Downing Street, whether Tony Blair likes it or not."
It is terrible of me to point things like this out put since the organization who spoke out for the Flying Imams (CAIR) can't seem to actually condemn terror organizations I don't feel too bad about it.
Moderate Muslims : You don't have to denounce Islam, but denouncing terror and killing (even if the people killed are Jews) is a pretty basic requirement if you want anyone but the ACLU to take you seriously. Even Barbara Boxer gets that part.
Additionally it seems that I am not supposed to point out stories regarding Muslims unless I am pointing out stories about people of other religions committing acts of terror as well. Please post any links you have of current news involving people of other religions: decrying the need to "raise the flag" of their religion over nations, establishing "states with a state", flying planes into buildings, bombing subways, or strapping bombs to themselves and blowing up buses and cafes.
I already know the KKK does the first two and I condemn them roundly, wholeheartedly, and think them revolting criminals. Ditto for morons who blow up abortion clinics and shoot at physicians. Follow up with others and I will discuss them even though they have already been thoroughly ostracized from their respective community support networks in a very satisfying Hobbesian/Lockean action.
Please refrain from anything more than a few years old. I must be missing the current string of terror attacks from Buddists, Confucians, Shintoists, Wiccans, and Christians (yes I have heard of the Crusades, keep it in the current century at least if not the last decade).
