Far from original but still funny...
Published on March 6, 2005 By greywar In Humor
Jihadprints in the Sand

One night a shahid had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with Allah.

Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. During each scene he saw two sets of footprints in the sand: one belonging to him and the other to Allah. However, during the last, most desperate scene, he saw there was only one set of footprints. This troubled him and he turned to Allah and said,

"Allah! You swore that once I decided to follow you, you would never leave me. Why then, in my darkest hour, was there only one set of footprints in the sand?"

Allah smiled at him. "O glorious shahid, I love you and would never leave you. During your time of trial and suffering, when you saw only one set of footprints, it was because the bomb you detonated on that bus blew your fucking feet off. It was then that I carried you. In Glad bags."


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Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 06, 2005
Hah! I heard the original of this story, and this is certainly a humorous spin on it. You think it's the same author?

(Unless you made this up yourself, then the question is did YOU write the original?)
on Mar 07, 2005
Please tell me you wrote this!!!!

I laughed until I stopped!!! ;~D
on Mar 07, 2005

Please tell me you wrote this!!!!

sweet Allah no I didn't write it. Originally I saw it Allahpundit (when he existed) and emailed to myself a long time ago. Just decided to post in case folks here hadn't seen it before.

on Mar 07, 2005
pretty sad commentary on this individual who uses one of the better anecdotes as a mockery. And sadder is how this person had a response of "wow man that was great ha ha ha". Sickening. Tolerance would be a good thing in these turbulent times. And it's unfortunate because attitides like that makes no one give a crap about you or your life. It would be ironic and somewhat poetic justice if you or your family got mowed down by some Islamist, of whom almost all are devout and non-violent. Making fun is kind of juvenile isn't it? Or is it just me?
on Mar 07, 2005
Tolerance would be a good thing in these turbulent times.

Tolerate suicide bombers all you like...they'll make more

somewhat poetic justice if you or your family got mowed down by some Islamist, of whom almost all are devout and non-violent.

If they are all nonviolent then that doesn't stand much of a chance of occuring right? I love it when people have logical contradictions right in their own comments. Hell you got it all into one sentence! Amazing... Love the part about my family getting mowed down too... such a peaceful and tolerant attitude you demonstrate Reiki.

Making fun is kind of juvenile isn't it? Or is it just me?

Hmmm... Poking fun or wishing that someone would be killed? I'll take making fun of someone everytime. I wonder what your political leanings are Reiki? Party of Tolerance perhaps... How does that jibe with wishing me dead? Have another Trolling:) Please, comment more, you and others like you simply hammer my points home with stuff like this!
on Mar 07, 2005
Greywar did a great job of replying to your post Reiki, but it was (at least in part) a shot at me to, so I'll return fire with my own. Even if for no other reason than, "I feel like it!" ;~D

pretty sad commentary on this individual who uses one of the better anecdotes as a mockery. And sadder is how this person had a response of "wow man that was great ha ha ha". Sickening.

Have you not ready any of my blog? What part of "A Satire of Personal Tragedy, Disaster, War, and Other Things that Just Plain Suck" did you not understand?

Apparently you are under the impression that a person can't simultaneously "make fun" of terrible situations and realize the gravity of them.

Making fun is kind of juvenile isn't it? Or is it just me?

Hopefully for you it is because you have never been in a situation where you relied on a (slightly off kilter) to get your through.

Making fun is kind of juvenile isn't it? Or is it just me?

Ok, I'll bite... I think it's just your being juvenile! ;~D
on Mar 07, 2005
Reiki House,

In reply to this your comment: “pretty sad commentary on this individual who uses one of the better anecdotes as a mockery. And sadder is how this person had a response of "wow man that was great ha ha ha". Sickening. Tolerance would be a good thing in these turbulent times. And it's unfortunate because attitides like that makes no one give a crap about you or your life. It would be ironic and somewhat poetic justice if you or your family got mowed down by some Islamist, of whom almost all are devout and non-violent.”

May I say first that since I am part of greywar’s family, your comments are not taken lightly. Perhaps greywar’s use of this work of poetry was somewhat lacking in good taste, it would be good to look beyond that, to the point behind his seemingly inappropriate choice.

These terrorists, on these senseless suicide missions, are basing their faith on zeal rather than on love. They are killing some of their very own people who are lining up to find a better, more liberating lives. Love is greater than martyrdom. (1 Cor. 13:3) What good is it to have heaven on your mind if you have hell in your heart? What good is it if the faith of these martyrs who can blow up their own kinsmen (comparable to moving a mountain) if they can’t remove the malice and hatred from their hearts?

A religion that is based solely on zeal will predictably abound in corruption. An individual’s misguided understanding may sometimes corrupt a faith based on love but it will be the force that enables them to eventually live in harmony and tolerance of others who believe differently.

Did I detect a note of almost gleeful hope that greywar’s entire family would be mowed down by an Islamist who is of course devout and non-violent? Do you not see how you are contradicting yourself?
on Mar 08, 2005

Making fun is kind of juvenile isn't it? Or is it just me?

It is just you.  You are juvenile.

It is Funny.  Laugh or dont.  I dont see you condemning those who make fun of Christians.  Hypocrit?

on Mar 08, 2005

Reiki-House, read the terms of use:
"You agree to not use the Service to:
(a) upload, post or otherwise transmit any Content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortuous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, pornographic, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable; "

Your statement of: "It would be ironic and somewhat poetic justice if you or your family got mowed down by some Islamist, of whom almost all are devout and non-violent. "  is a direct violation of the Terms of use.  You can take this as your one and only warning. 

on Mar 08, 2005
I thought it was hilarious. It is a sad day in this world when we quit being able to laugh at ourselves and other things. This world is so full of tragedy and horror that the only way for us to keep our sanity is to be able to look at things and find something humerous in them. Thanks for the laugh, greywar.
on Mar 08, 2005

I thought it was hilarious. It is a sad day in this world when we quit being able to laugh at ourselves and other things. This world is so full of tragedy and horror that the only way for us to keep our sanity is to be able to look at things and find something humerous in them. Thanks for the laugh, greywar.

That gets you an insightful.  Mostly because I agree 100%, but they dont have an agree 100% button!

on Mar 08, 2005
I thought it was funny! I would have even thought it was funny if you replaced the Muslims with pro-Lifers (which I happen to be) and their clinic-bombing ways!
on Mar 08, 2005
I thought it was funny! I would have even thought it was funny if you replaced the Muslims with pro-Lifers (which I happen to be) and their clinic-bombing ways!

It would have been better with a sniper shot with the rabid ones, but I agree with your point! I laugh at jokes aimed at me (good natured ones and ones that magnify my own myopia).

Wise Fawn does not like anything stated against her prejudices tho! (Or is this just a troll from DU? She could have sent one!)
on Mar 08, 2005

You can take this as your one and only warning.

Thanks Karma...

on Mar 08, 2005
That's an awesome joke. Definitely worth a quick mass spam to my mates.
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