Published on December 5, 2005 By greywar In Gaming

     Penny Arcade's Tycho Brahe has a brief take on the ongoing GalCiv2 Beta and his views on the future including a brief thought regarding Stardock's philosophy that I found to be dead on with my own opinion of Brad and his crew...


Excerpts for the linkistically challenged:

"GalCiv2 is, I think it accurate to say, en route to being the definitive star empire simulator." 


"Stardock is focused on making a full-fat, no excuses, honking angular Imperial Throne for you to recline in and manage your worlds."


"They are pretty much telling the market gods to go f**k themselves."


I even edited out the profanity for the pansies...


Site Meter
on Dec 06, 2005
They also said they'd be shocked if someone like Ubisoft ever started to use a digital distribution. When I pointed out to them that Ubisoft is a partner with TotalGaming they ignored me! How dare they!

I love the last line of the post
on Dec 06, 2005
And Ubisoft has released a few games through Direct2Drive from IGN/GameSpy.
on Dec 06, 2005
Ubisoft doesn't object to digital distribution. They object to digital distribution without hardcore DRM.