Donate you excerable schmuck!
Published on November 8, 2005 By greywar In Gaming

     Over the last few days many of you have felt the need to weigh in on my articles on World of Warcraft and other gaming issues. Show me that you can wiegh in on something a bit more meaty like children's charity. Penny Arcade's Child's Play is spinning up again. Go donate. Or just wait until I write another gaming article and spend your energy on that you selfish bastards. No pressure.

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on Nov 08, 2005
I love the fact that the folks from Penny-Arcade are able to use their fame (and it's considerable, even outside the gaming/online-comic worlds) for a worthy cause. My hat's off to them.

If I can squeeze anything out of my budget later this month, I'm going to be making a donation. However, with 3 birthdays, my wedding anniversary, a possible move ... $20 may be as much as I can swing. It's better than nothing, though.

I would've participated last year, but I heard about it too late to get in on it.
on Nov 08, 2005
Err greywar? What is it with you and your vendetta against online games? Telling us the reason can help..

Also the problem with internet donations is that you cannot tell if they are going to build homes for the homeless or into someone's pocket, With buying games and the like (not only MMO's, but offline games ala you are garunteed to get results.

Buying online games does not make us "Selfish Bastards" either, there is nothing selfish about spending an extra 12 dollars you had around on some extra things to do after work when there is nothing much to do.

It would be selfish however if we set up an online charity system and then paid for games with it.
on Nov 08, 2005
Err greywar? What is it with you and your vendetta against online games?

Pay attention ere you flame. Did you read his articles? Or did you just skim the last couple and start up the ole flamethrower?

He doesn't have a vendetta against online games. In fact, the man is an online game freak. However, being savvy to it, he has pointed out time and again that many online games are not ok for kids. Similarly, I think his blood alcohol content could be tested by brand name, but if he were to post about it, he would recommend against giving a fifth of Jack to an eight year old.

It's easy, World of Warcraft is a kids game about like Southpark should do a crossover with the Tele-tubbies. Extreme adult content in the chat, cybersex, and very rarely adult supervision, plus most kids haven't learned to deal with the addictive qualities. (actually, neither have most adults, but they're better able to deal with the consequences) And while many people think, well I went through it and came out okay, do you really want your child to learn about the world by risking exposing him to NAMBLA?

As to the charity, do the research. Am I going to give to just anybody that asks? No. But I don't hand out twenties to everyone that asks me on the street either. The internet hasn't cornered the market on people getting ripped off. Like anything, check it out first.

And if you don't want to give, don't give. I think you missed the sarcasm so deep that you need a hacksaw to cut it, but hey, maybe sardonicism isn't your thing. Selfish assclown. (and in case you missed it, the last part was sarcasm too.) (If I was going to be seriously mean instead of sarcastic, I would suggest that I could break it down into smaller syllable groups for easier comprehension and link it to an online dictionary, like this.) Link

on Nov 08, 2005
on Nov 08, 2005

Ryan - I know respondiong to you is likely to be a waste of time since obviously you can't be bothered to read much of anything in it's entirety but here goes:

I have posted 3 articles total on MMORPG's ever

The first was about kids playing unsupervised in games that their parents don't likely understand... the article gave them a bit of background as to how an MMORPG differs from standalones.

The second was in response to posters who couldn't be bothered to read that article and flamed away much as you have here.

The third was a pro-MMORPG article regarding the prejudice many people have for there own brand of friends and families.


As for your concerns about where the money goes? Well I see that you couldn't be troubled to research that either:) The money is distirbuted directly to hospitals as are the toys you buy there. Do you think PA needs more Gameboys?


Next time perhaps you could consider reading at least one web page and doing oh.. two seconds of research before posting? Thanks.

on Nov 08, 2005


Buying online games does not make us "Selfish Bastards" either

No, not contributing to kids makes you a selfish bastard:)


Not reading articles and then posting flames without thinking makes you you.

on Nov 10, 2005
Ahh charitable contributions once again prove less interesting than +8 Greaves of Paste Eating.
on Nov 11, 2005
You say, "Ahh charitable contributions once again prove less interesting than +8 Greaves of Paste Eating."
Perhaps this does not mean your loyal followers are disinterested in making charitable contributions but only that as they make their private contributions, they adhere to the Biblical teaching, "Don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing."

Also we salute you and all the other Veterans on this day for your galant service to your country! God bless you all!
on Nov 17, 2005
No fucking chance! I decide what I want to do with my money, not you! When the people in charge of these charities are charitable enough to work for free, I may consider donating until then I suggest you fuck off with your taking the moral highground.
on Nov 21, 2005

When the people in charge of these charities are charitable enough to work for free

They do work for free you moron.