Published on October 11, 2005 By greywar In Current Events

I was playing around a bit more with GE and the criminal aspects of my brain started barking very loudly for attention. Frankly GE works far too well in some cases. Lets take the following as an example :


This represents a dual use commercial airport/military airfield which sees *massive* use and also for the discerning viewer with the right knowledge also contains a lovely view of a fairly sensitive location. This is not how easy I want photo recon to be for an Islamist with a Jihad fetish.


Call me an alarmist if you will.. but I think being a Jihadi intel operative just got a ton easier....


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on Oct 11, 2005
I swear, I almost wrote this very article about a month ago...planned the exact same title, too.


I was able to see the cars on my street...and I could do the same for Ft. Sam. Not cool.
on Oct 11, 2005
Hey, I know this Jihad fetish, although I do have a thing about girls with red hair.......
on Oct 12, 2005
In the same troubling way, the same could be said for MapQuest. But somebody's got to get to Google fast.
on Oct 12, 2005
Frightening , to say the least... I wonder if the Google images are updated often? If they are no one is safe from those bastards...
on Oct 12, 2005
But aren't all of these images in the public domain anyway?
on Oct 12, 2005
Yup, but so are airline jets...
on Oct 12, 2005
Well, the pictures seem to be at least several months out of date, but it's hard to pin it down... certain areas may be more often updated than others.

Regardless, barring mass construction, 3 months isn't going to be enough lag to inconvenience someone planning a serious op.
on Oct 12, 2005
Before there was google earth, there was Microsoft Tera Server. (Tera as in Terabyte, and Tera as in Terra - get it?).  It can and probably will be used for evil.  The advances of technology are like that.  They can be used for good or evil, depending upon the hand that wields them.  But they will be used.
on Oct 12, 2005
Well, the pictures seem to be at least several months out of date, but it's hard to pin it down

Our area is 3yrs behind. I had the more general "scary!" thought run through my head when I got my first look at GE. Looks like a stalker's dream come true!
on Oct 12, 2005
I guess you haven't taken a look at Anaconda, then?
on Oct 12, 2005
Actually I had thought about putting that one up but I just couldn't overcome the OPSEC brainwashing.
on Oct 12, 2005
in point of fact if you look at our home away from home in Iraq you can see the patch on the hangar roof where the mortar went through.
on Oct 12, 2005
I wrote an article a while ago, where it was a somewhat paranoid fear of google watching me.

You can see my house on Google Earth too...and if I knew the precise time the image was going to be photographed, I'd stand outside and wave, lol.

I would wave too...with one finger.

Hmmm...I wonder if we can use this technology to locate Area 51...
on Oct 12, 2005

I wonder if we can use this technology to locate Area 51...

Yes, very easily actually since area 51's location is publicly known. Thing is that what you will see isn't going to be terribly interesting. Tops of military warehouses aren't very photogenic really.

on Oct 14, 2005
Holy Crap!
Looks like a birdbath to me.