Published on October 5, 2005 By greywar In Entertainment

I am preparing to reformat my computer in order to take another whack at "solving" this problem so I decided that this would be a great time to archive all of my downloaded music videos and mp3z onto CD's.

I had no idea I was such a whore for music videos. I am currently on disk 13 right now and am just starting on the mp3z.

Anyone else a music video freak? If you like yours legal I would suggest going here.

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on Oct 05, 2005
I did not realize they were available for downloads!  Guess I am going to have to check them out.
on Oct 05, 2005
a select list of your finest videos? Like Dr. Guy, I had no idea, either.
on Oct 05, 2005
I'm not quite the videophile you are, apart from a few concert DVDs my music is still largely audio. I did hit 5gig the other day though... doesn't hold a candle to the space your video file must take up, but hey as long as we're talking music files!! ;~D

((((Relax RIAA, I have all the music legally!!!)))) ;~D
on Oct 05, 2005

((((Relax RIAA, I have all the music legally!!!)))) ;~D

Vee are Fvom VeeIAA, and vee vant to see your papers!

on Oct 05, 2005
In point of fact if any of you do want a list of my videos just email me at the address one the right column of the page and I will hook you up with that. JU Regulars only.. if I don't recognize your JU handle I likely won't even read it.
on Oct 05, 2005
Wow, now all your brittany spears willl be on, three cds.........
on Oct 10, 2005
I just hit 70 gigs of audio. I LOVE TORRENTS!!! (Seriously, though, it's insane. I download faster than I can listen. It's getting to the point where I download music just in case I start to like it at some point in my life)
on Oct 10, 2005
16000+ MP3 tracks, just in the "music" category. I've also got a mess of audiobooks and comedy albums. It's amusing when someone sees the Rio Karma I've got, with its 20 gig drive, and says, "wow, you could have your whole music collection on there." Sure, if I had FOUR of them.