Published on September 4, 2005 By greywar In Current Events

     Just a quick follow-up here.... When do my personal choices absolve the Federal and State governments of responsibility for my plight?

     Katrina is a tragedy no doubt and the Government is rushing in to help these folks as best they can. I take serious issue with folks who are bitching that it is not enouigh or that it is too slow.

     If you live in the Red River Valley's flood plain and it floods I don't mind my tax dollars going to help you out. It is just neighborly. I do get a bit heated when you the flood plain resident start griping that the Government (and *me* your neighbor by proxy (we are the Government)) are not doing enough to bail you out of a situation that you put yourself into.

     Live on the San Andreas fault? Guess what... there is an earthquake in your future. Don't wan't to live through and earthquake? Don't live there.

      Beach house in Malibu? Guess what... Mudslide is a guarantee.

      Gulf coaster? Hurricanes.

      Mid-west? Well Tornadoes, but they have a pretty tiny impact area compared to the other ones I just mentioned.

     My mother and I just spoke on the phone and she had this remark :

     "You could see the light-bulb come on in some of these people. They won't be moving back."

     She's right of course. When you live on the effluvial delta of the Mississippi River right on the Gulf Coast it is simply a matter of time before you are wiped out by a storm. Hell even the Discovery Channel has been running some it's programs from years ago about how N.O. was doomed and how it was simply a matter of time before this happened.

     Don't act surprised that this disater occurred. Don't bitch that we don't do enough about it. You live there and we will help but don't even pretend that it is *our* fault or that somehow I, your mayor, or the President are responsible for your poor choice of area.

Your decision. Own it.


Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 04, 2005
Live on the west coast, Tsunamis.  if life was perfect, Adam would not have eaten the apple.
on Sep 04, 2005
Hehehe...this has been the 'hot'topic of discussion in our house for the past few days.

I understand that people who were there may not have had the resources to move away, but to be honest, their attitude towrds the relief effort stinks. They seem to EXPECT the government to assume responsibility for them. In one breath they talk about freedom and living how they want to, but when that life falls apart they demand that the government fix it.

We have, with the advent and proliferation of the welfare system, succeeded in creating generations of Americans who simply don't know how to operate or survive without government intervention. It sickens me.

If you don't want to get hit by a train, you don't go stand next to railroad tracks. if you don't want to experience an earthquake, you don't go live along the San Andreas fault line. If you don't want to deal with hurricanes, you don't make your home in Florida. It's all common sense stuff.

Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be much of that about these days.
on Sep 04, 2005

I understand that people who were there may not have had the resources to move away,

True, but there were quite a few interviewed who simply wouldn't beleive the informationt he government gave them. One guy I remember distinctly as saying

"well I got on the highway 2 days before it hit but it was slow and they said it would take 10 hours to drive out of LA so I just decided to ride it out at home." Bad call.

The one I feel sorry for are their kids. They are the ones who truly had no choices here.

Live on the west coast, Tsunamis

I hadn't considered that one but the whole WC gets the earthwquake tag as well...

on Sep 04, 2005
I hadn't considered that one but the whole WC gets the earthwquake tag as well...

Midwest too, with the San Madrid fault. Nowhere in the states really, that you don't get hit with something.
on Sep 04, 2005

I think that is why this whole thing is so split on partisan lines.

As a broad generalization, Republicans tend to believe that no one is better suited to take care of you than you. Take responsibility for yourself. Democrats tend to want to give the power to "the government" to take care of everything.

And then, when the government fails due to bungling, the Democrats then complain when Republicans can basically said "We told you so".

I just find the Bush-blaming amusing. As if a Democratic President would somehow, as if by magic, made one iota of difference. Democrats need to come to the realization that many Republicans came to long ago -- government, all government, is incompotent.  Some are less incompotent than others but incompotent just the same.

on Sep 04, 2005
The criticism has been, it seems, over the top. Some people, usually the idealist, are never satisfied with anything. It has less to do out of concern with N.O. than wanting to bash Bush, Boring.
on Sep 04, 2005
I just find the Bush-blaming amusing. As if a Democratic President would somehow, as if by magic, made one iota of difference. Democrats need to come to the realization that many Republicans came to long ago -- government, all government, is incompotent. Some are less incompotent than others but incompotent just the same.

So true Drag, so true.

If the person in charge at FEMA was found to be a Democrat, would that make the situation better? Worse? Or the same. Anyone answering anything other than "the same" is a liar.

If George W. Bush had not changed even a single cabinet member or other appointed position in the last 6 years, it wouldn't have satisfied any of those that are bitchin' just because they can and want to.

And even if W. had instantly grabbed Kerry, Edwards, Clinton (either of them), Gore or any of a bunch of famous Democrats to lead the way for relief efforts, it would not have made things better. (And W. did tap William Jefferson Clinton and his own father to help lead the efforts, as they had done for Tsunami relief some months ago).
on Sep 05, 2005
I think it is the government's fault when anarchy sets in, as is the case in the convention center, and children are being raped to death.

That is somebodies fault. Not the hurricane.
on Sep 05, 2005
Regardless of whether the officials in charge are Republicans or Democrats, a piss poor job was done. These agencies were set up to go into to disaster areas and give aid. That is their job. Even in third world countries aid arrives faster. What if this had been an act of terrorism or chemical warfare. That can happen ANYWHERE. Would you be so complacent if that happened to you? I think not. When the welfare of your family is threatened, a response of 4 to 5 days is absolutely disgraceful.
on Sep 05, 2005
That is somebodies fault. Not the hurricane.

THAT'S the fault of the ignoramuses doing the raping, looting and fighting. That's got nothing to do with the government. It they can't do the right thing unless it's enforced, then that's on them. Like I said, we've created a nanny state where people have to be told what to do all the freakin' time. When those people who tell other what to do aren't there....then mayhem ensues.

It's sickening.
on Sep 05, 2005

As if a Democratic President would somehow, as if by magic, made one iota of difference. Democrats need to come to the realization that many Republicans came to long ago -- government, all government, is incompotent.

It would.  It would be another Waco.

on Sep 05, 2005
If Bush had sent the active military Monday after the storm, there would have been less suffering and less dead. He sat on his ass just like after 9/11 in the school just longer! He refused to deal with the needed of that area even though he had two studies that told him what needed to be done and what would happen if they were NOT DONE. What did Bush do? Cut the funding to make the levees stronger!
on Sep 05, 2005
Good stuff, but I'd like to add a "disaster area" to your list: New York. New York's disaster is rapacious politicians who cater to special interest groups -- and for that, I believe it is quite valid to hold the government responsible!
on Sep 05, 2005

If Bush had sent the active military Monday after the storm

Who? ok the 82nd shows up on Monday with 5,000 soldiers who also need to be fed and watered. 5,000 soldiers who do peacekeeping operations with GUNS. Yeah we want the All-American Division patrolling the streets of N.O. with M-16's at the ready. COL Gene "the military coulda fixed it" is a panacea.

on Sep 05, 2005
I wasn't blaming the rapes on the Government, I was blaming the anarchy on the Government.

You're right, those rapists should be held responsible for their actions. Too bad they never will be though, since there is no law in New Orleans right now.
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